Unit factors for particular usages of property are hereby established as follows:
Unit Factor
Unit Factor
Single-family residences (Subject to Section 1042.13 (a) above)
1.0 per dwelling
Auto dealers
.30 per 1,000 sq. ft.
Barber shops
1.0 per 1,000 sq. ft.
.044 per seat
Beauty shops
.223 per booth
Boarding houses
.16 per person
Boarding schools
.27 per person
Bowling alleys (no bars, lunch facilities)
.16 per alley
Car wash:
   a. Manual, do-it-yourself
2.5 per stall
   b. Semi-automatic (mechanical without conveyor)
12.5 per stall
Unit Factor
Unit Factor
   c. Automatic with conveyor
33.0 per stall
   d. Automatic with conveyor (conserving and recycling water)
8.4 per lane
.008 per seat
Cleaners (pick-up only)
.048 per employee
   a. Medical
1.00 per doctor
   b. Dental
1.40 per dentist
Convalescent and/or nursing homes
.3 per bed
.20 per person
Country clubs
.08 per member
Drug stores
   a. With fountain service
.08 per seat + .14 per 1,000 sq. ft.
   b. Without fountain service
.14 per 1,000 sq. ft.
Factories (exclusive of excessive industrial use)
.50 per 1,000 sq. ft.
Fraternal organizations (members only)
1.0 per hall
Fraternal organizations (members and rentals)
2.0 per hall
Funeral homes, including one residence
2.2 per funeral home
Grocery stores and supermarkets
.31 per 1,000 sq. ft.
Health clubs
   a. With showers and/or pool
2.3 per 1,000 sq. ft.
   b. Without showers and/or pool
.26 per 1,000 sq. ft.
1.22 per bed
Unit Factor
Unit Factor
Hotels and/or motels (exclusive of swimming
pools, bars, restaurants, etc.)
.38 per room
Laundry (self-service)
.54 per washer
Mobile home parks
.60 per mobile home
Multiple-family residences
.60 per residence
Office buildings
.40 per 1,000 sq. ft.
Public institutions other than hospitals
.32 per employee
Racquet clubs
.82 per tennis or handball court
   a. Conventional type with or without drinks
0.13 per seat
   b. Quick service franchise type, without dishes, dealing mainly in hamburgers with or without eating in the building (includes, but not necessarily limited to, McDonald’s, Burger Chef, Burger King, Red Barn and Hardee’s)
5.6 per restaurant
   c. All other restaurants (includes, but not necessarily limited to, drive-ins, snack bars, carry-outs, such as fried chicken and pizza; could have some eating in the building, all without dishes)
1.8 per restaurant
Rooming houses (no meals)
.13 per person
   a. Elementary
.012 per student
   b. Junior or middle high
.020 per student
   c. Senior high
.038 per student
   d. Bus maintenance facility
.165 per 1,000 sq. ft.
Unit Factor
Unit Factor
Service station
.24 per pump
Store (other than specifically listed)
.16 per employee
Summer camps
.14 per housing unit
Swimming pools (residential excluded)
3.00 per 1,000 sq. ft.
Theaters (drive-in)
.012 per car space
Theaters (Indoor)
.008 per seat
Tourist courts (individual bath units)
.27 per cubicle
.10 per 1,000 sq. ft.
(Ord. 179. Passed 8-17-92; Ord. 2010-07. Passed 6-14-10; Ord. 2011-05. Passed 6-13-11.)