(a)   Compliance Required. All sanitary sewer systems connected directly or indirectly into the intercepting sewer or sewers of the Oakland County Department of Public Works shall meet the requirements set forth in this section.
   (b)   Plans, Permits and Bonds.
      (1)   Prior to connection and prior to the start of construction, all sanitary sewer systems shall have plans and specifications and shall be approved by the Oakland County Department of Public Works.
      (2)   A connection permit for any lateral line extension shall be obtained by the Village or contractor from the Oakland County Department of Public Works. Said connection permit shall show the location of the work, the extent of the work, information regarding the contractor, the owner and the engineer, and any other pertinent information as shall be determined to be necessary by the Department of Public Works. A fee shall be charged for said permit to cover the cost of inspection of each connection and to verify the result of the acceptance test. Inspection requested during other than normal working hours shall be performed only if deemed necessary by the Oakland County Department of Public Works. The fee for such inspection shall be three hundred dollars ($300.00) per day minimum, in addition to the normal connection permit fee.
      (3)   Individual building sewers which are directly connected into the Franklin sanitary sewer system shall conform to all applicable requirements of this chapter. A connection permit, for which a charge of fifty dollars ($50.00) will be made by the Oakland County Department of Public Works, shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works before such connection is made. Prior to the issuance of such connection permit, the person obtaining such permit shall have obtained the written approval of the local unit of government. Connection shall be made in a workmanlike manner and in accordance with methods and procedures established by the Department of Public Works. The party to whom such a permit is issued shall be responsible for notifying the Department of Public Works 24 hours in advance of the date and time when such a connection is made so that proper inspection of the same can be made by the Department.
      (4)   Prior to the adjustment, reconstruction, relocation or any other alteration of the sewers of the County of Oakland, including structures, the contractor or the person responsible for the work shall first obtain a permit to do such work from the Oakland County Department of Public Works. The permit fee shall be determined by the Department of Public Works.
      (5)   Prior to construction and during the life of permits obtained in accordance with divisions (b)(2), (3) and (4) of this section, all owners or contractors shall:
         A.   Yearly furnish to the Oakland County Department of Public Works a satisfactory surety bond in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) as security for the faithful performance of the work in accordance with the plans and specifications and Departmental standards; and
         B.   Yearly furnish to the Oakland County Department of Public Works a cash deposit in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00). Such deposit shall provide funds for emergency work and/or such other work as may be deemed necessary by the Oakland County Department of Public Works, arising as a result of construction by the owner or contractor. Such bonds shall not be canceled by the owner, the contractor or the surety without first having given ten days written notice to the Oakland County Department of Public Works. Cash deposits may be returned to the owner or contractor within ten days of receipt of written request therefor, except that no deposits will be returned until such time as all outstanding permits have received final inspection and approval. In the event that it becomes necessary for the Oakland County Department of Public Works to expend funds for work arising as a result of construction by the owner or the contractor, then the cost of such work shall be deducted from the aforementioned cash deposit.
         The owner or contractor shall have the right and opportunity to correct any deficiencies promptly before any deposit funds will be spent by the Oakland County Department of Public Works. The owner or contractor shall, within 30 days of the mailing of written notice thereof, pay to the Oakland County Department of Public Works the entire amount of such cost. Failure to comply with these rules and regulations and the standards of the Oakland County Department of Public Works may result in the immediate termination of the surety and cash bonds.
   (c)   Bulkhead. The contractor shall install a suitable bulkhead to prevent construction water, sand, silt, etc., from entering the existing sewer system. Such bulkhead shall be left in place until such time as removal is authorized by the Oakland County Department of Public Works.
   (d)   Acceptance Test.
      (1)   In general. All sanitary sewer systems shall be subjected to startup and testing in accordance with the following requirements prior to acceptance of the system by the Oakland County Department of Public Works and prior to removal of the bulkhead as required herein.
      (2)   Witnesses. All final acceptance tests shall be witnessed by the Oakland County Department of Public Works and the Village of Franklin.
      (3)   Hydrostatic pressure test. The Contractor shall furnish all water piping, bulkheads, pumps, gauges and other equipment required to carry out the test.
      The section of main to be tested shall be filled with water. At the start of testing the main shall be pumped up to a pressure of 100 psi and the test period shall start immediately thereafter. The line shall then be maintained to 5 psi of this test pressure for a continuous period of two hours by pumping water into the line at frequent intervals. The volume of water so added shall be measured and considered to represent the leakage from the line under test during the interval. The leakage per hour, for 18-foot pipe lengths, under the conditions of test, shall not exceed the values shown in the following table.
Size of Pipe
Maximum Leakage
(Gallons Per Hour    Per 100 Joints)
   For pipe lengths other than 18 feet, pipe joint leakage shall be as follows:
               L = ND      P/7,400 x pipe length/18
      If a sewer fails to pass any of the previously described tests, the contractor shall determine the location of the leaks, repair them and retest the sewer. The tests shall be repeated until satisfactory results are obtained. All visible leaks and cracks shall be repaired regardless of test results.
      (4)   Grinder pump station test.
         A.   The contractor shall provide the services of qualified factory- trained technical servicemen who shall inspect the placement and wiring of each station, and perform field tests as specified herein.
         B.   All equipment and material necessary to perform the testing shall be the responsibility of the contractor. This will include, as a minimum, a portable generator, amp meter and water.
         C.   After the pump stations have been set and wired, the contractor shall perform the following test procedure on the pump station.
            1.   Fill the wet well with water to a depth sufficient to verify that the high water alarm is operative.
            2.   Initiate pump operation to verify that automatic “on” and “off” controls are operative.
            3.   Observe amperage readings to verify that the proper electrical conditions are met.
         D.   The contractor shall furnish to the Village a written report certifying that the equipment has been properly installed, is in accurate alignment, is free from any undue stress imposed by connecting piping or anchor bolts, and has been operated under a full load condition to the satisfaction of the Village representative.
            In addition, the contractor shall furnish the Village with a copy of all test data recorded during the installation check.
   (e)   Storm and Ground Water Control.
      (1)   Yard drains, patio drains, catchbasins, downspouts, weep tile, perimeter and footing drains or any other structure used for the collection and conveyance of storm water and/or ground water shall not be permitted to discharge into any sanitary sewer connected directly or indirectly to the County system.
      (2)   The discharge of sewage, industrial waste or any other pollutant to any natural outlet in the Village is prohibited except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with this chapter.
      (3)   The crock to iron joint shall be sealed by approved flexible adaptor fittings such as those manufactured by Fernco Joint Sealer Company, or as approved by the Oakland County Department of Public Works. The iron pipe inside the building shall be plugged and leaded and remain plugged and watertight until such time as the plumbing is carried on to the first floor, the basement is backfilled and the roof is on the building, thereby providing that no water from the excavated basement will enter the sanitary sewer.
   (f)   Building Sewers.
      (1)   The house connection sewer from the lateral sewer in the street or easement to within five feet from the house shall be:
         A.   Six-inch diameter extra strength vitrified sewer pipe, manufactured in accordance with current NCPI designation ER 4-67 Standards, or equal, with DPW-approved premium joint;
         B.   Six-inch diameter cement pipe with Ring-Tite, Fluid-Tite or DPW- approved joint;
         C.   Six-inch diameter, service strength, cast-iron soil pipe, with hot- poured lead joint, or DPW-approved equal;
         D.   Six-inch diameter, extra strength (ES), solid wall pipe extruded from acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) plastic meeting the minimum cell classification 2-2-3 as defined in ASTM Specification D1788-68; or
         E.   Other pipe and joints as may be approved by the Oakland County Department of Public Works.
      (2)   Copies of the Oakland County Department of Public Works approved joint shall be on file at the offices of each community in the systems.
      (3)   House connection sewers shall be six-inch minimum diameter, except that four-inch pipe of comparable strength and joint material may be used if permitted by the local unit of government.
   (g)   Prefabricated Grinder Pump Station.
      (1)   The pump station shall be a factory-built grinder pump station consisting of grinder pump(s), suitably mounted in a fiberglass basin, with an integral watertight accessway, pump removal system, inlet for six-inch DWV pipe, remove alarm/control panel and all necessary internal wiring with electrical quick disconnects and controls as manufactured by Environment/One Corporation, Schenectady, New York, Model GP-210, GP-212 or GP-214, dependent on the service application as approved by the Village of Franklin.
      (2)   The control/alarm panel, supplied by the pump station manufacturer, shall be located within sight of the pump station installation.
      (3)   Wiring from the house electrical panel to the alarm/control panel shall be fifteen amps circuit, 240-Volt, twelve-gauge, four-wire service (neutral, ground, two hot leads), installed per the National Electrical Code.
      (4)   A concrete anti-floatation anchor for the pump station may be cast in place or precast of required size as recommended by the pump station manufacturer.
   (h)   Discharge Pipe.
      (1)   Discharge pipe shall be a minimum one and ¼-inch diameter PVC, schedule 40. Fittings shall be solvent weld. Pipe shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Pipe shall be buried with a minimum of five-foot cover.
      (2)   The discharge pipe connection to the main line pipe shall be PVC mechanical seal service saddle, with a minimum operating pressure of 150 psi.
      (3)   The curb stop shall be a quarter-turn ball valve of bronze construction. The end connections shall be suitable for PVC pipe material. The valve box may be cast-iron or plastic curb stop and shall be located on-site within five feet of the front property line.
      (4)   The check valve shall be the swing type with the port size equal to or larger than the nominal pipe size. Materials shall be PVC or bronze. The check valve shall be located at the curb stop on the building side.
   (i)   Pipe Locator Wire.
      (1)   Locator wire shall be 12-gauge solid copper wire with plastic insulation.
      (2)   Locator wire shall be attached to all sewer pipe at approximate five-foot intervals.
      (3)   Attachment to pipe shall be made with plastic cable ties or equivalent.
      (4)   If wire splicing is needed, copper shall be jointed to copper by solder; splice shall be attached to pipe with ties and grouted in place to re- establish insulation across spliced length.
      (5)   At curb stop, a minimum length of one foot of wire shall be left accessible.
      (6)   The contractor is responsible for testing continuity of wire from end to end with equipment compatible with Oakland County Department of Public Works locating devices.
   (j)   Septic Tank Abandonment and Waste Disposal.
      (1)   Prior to connecting an individual building sewer to the sewers of the County of Oakland, either directly or indirectly, all existing waste water treatment facilities, including septic tanks, tile fields and sump pumps, located on the property, shall be physically and permanently disconnected from the building sewer.
      (2)   Septic tank sludge shall be discharged into the sewers of the County, directly or indirectly, only at locations specified by the Oakland County Department of Public Works, and only after obtaining proper septic tank dumping tickets.
      (3)   The liquid and solids from an abandoned septic tank shall not be drained, dewatered, pumped or in any other manner discharged to the sewers of the County, except as provided for above.
      (4)   Septic tank abandonment shall include a minimum of:
         A.   Concrete tank: Pumping the tank of sewage and disposing of the same in an approved manner; fracturing the bottom of the tank and crushing the top into the tank; filling the tank with sand or granular material; backfilling to grade and leveling.
         B.   Fiberglass tank: Pumping the tank of sewage and disposing of the same in an approved manner; excavating, removing and disposing of the tank in an approved manner; backfilling the excavation to grade and leveling.
   (k)   Ownership, Operations and Maintenance Responsibility.
      (1)   All individual building sewers shall be owned and maintained by the property owner.
      (2)   All sewer lines constructed by the Village of Franklin on a right-of-way or easement, including segments from the street to the grinder pump, shall be owned by the Village of Franklin and maintained by the Village or its designated agent.
      (3)   Sewer lines constructed by the property owner shall be by permit and in accordance with engineering specifications approved by Oakland County and the Village of Franklin and in accordance with this chapter. Sewer lines lying between the public right-of-way and the grinder pump, where installed by the property owner, shall be owned by the property owner.
      (4)   No person, firm or other entity shall be permitted to construct or tie into any sewer line of the County of Oakland or the Village of Franklin without first having agreed to abide by the terms of this chapter and to the provisions for operation and maintenance as set forth herein.
   (l)   Record Drawing Plans. Prior to the acceptance of any sewer system and prior to the removal of the bulkhead as required herein (except under extenuating circumstances as may be approved by the Director), record drawing plans shall be provided to the Oakland County Department of Public Works. Said record drawing plans shall include a statement by a registered engineer or surveyor certifying that the plans are record drawing plans and shall include, but not be limited to, the length of the sewer, invert elevation, locations with respect to property lines, wye and riser locations and depths, and sewer materials and joints used.
(Ord. 2011-03. Passed 6-13-11.)