(a)   Application of Charges; Intent; Adjustments. The following initial charges shall apply to each respective group or category of users connected to the pressure sewer system. It is the intent of this section to distribute the costs of said system as evenly and equitably as feasible, and the Village Council may from time-to-time adjust any of the rates and charges set forth in this chapter so as to best accomplish this purpose.
   (b)   Initial Properties; Grant Properties.
      (1)   Properties which are part of the grant program shall incur the following items of charge and require the following permits:
         A.   Capital charge - construction;
         B.   Capital charge - street pipe;
         C.   Electrical permit (private contractor);
         D.   Plumbing permit (private contractor);
         E.   Oakland County charges (maintenance, transportation and replacement).
      (2)   Properties which were part of the grant program but which have opted not to be part of the grant construction contract may opt to be subject to division (c)(2) of this section. All such properties shall be subject to mandatory hook-up requirements as set forth in this section. These properties shall be required to pay the local share of design costs, street pipes, grinder pump and service connections covered by the grant. Other charges under division (c)(2) of this section shall also apply.
   (c)   Subsequent Hook-Up Properties.
      (1)   Properties which subsequently hook up to the public sewer may grant an easement to the Village of Franklin for construction of the street-to-structure segment. In such event, the construction and installation shall be completed by the Village of Franklin. The following permits and charges shall apply:
         A.   Design/engineering fee;
         B.   Capital charge - construction;
         C.   Capital charge - street pipe;
         D.   Connection charge - service connection;
         E.   Electrical permit (private contractor);
         F.   Plumbing permit (private contractor);
         G.   Oakland County charges (maintenance, transportation and replacement).
      (2)   Properties which have not granted an easement, or property owners who otherwise wish to construct and install the street-to-structure segment (including grinder pump) themselves or through their own private contractor, shall be subject to the following permits and charges:
         A.   Completion of an application on a form provided by the Village of Franklin Clerk, which shall include the following:
            1.   Engineering details of construction;
            2.   Site drawing showing location;
            3.   Agreement to comply with Village of Franklin and Oakland County specifications;
            4.   Agreement for operation and maintenance.
         B.   Village of Franklin permit fee;
         C.   Oakland County inspection fee;
         D.   Surety bond to be submitted prior to issuance of the permit in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) until final inspection of the connection to the public sewer;
         E.   Cash deposit in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) until final inspection of the connection to the public sewer; and
         F.   The following permits and charges:
            1.   Construction inspection fee;
            2.   Capital charge - street pipe;
            3.   Connection charge - service line;
            4.   Electrical permit (private contractor);
            5.   Plumbing permit (private contractor);
            6.   Oakland County charges (maintenance, transportation and replacement).
   (d)   Administrative and Escrow Fees. The Village of Franklin may establish a charge for administrative services or for an extraordinary escrow. In such event, such charges shall be shown separately on each bill or statement. All such funds shall be placed in a separate and segregated administrative or escrow account and said accounts shall be available for public inspection during normal business hours.
(Ord. 179. Passed 8-17-92.)