(A)   In developing recommendations for zoning revisions in the city and its planning area, consideration has been given to zoning experience in the city since the passage of the original zoning ordinance following its drafting in 1953, industrial development which has taken place during the past 12 years, and commercial and residential trends in the city and in other communities.  These experiences and trends have not only been considered, but a block by block reconnaissance survey of existing conditions was made throughout the city and its environs.  These efforts have provided a clear understanding of the zoning needs of the city which may be specified in detail in the new zoning ordinance to be submitted later.  This Appendix outlines the general requirements of the various districts and their boundaries.
   (B)   The zoning plan, accompanied by the zoning ordinance, establishes the boundaries and specifications for the general types of industrial, business, and residential uses.  It does not specify the locations of parks, schools, and other types of land use which are essential elements of the development plan of the city and its expansion area.  These are discussed in §§ 5, 6, and 7 of this Appendix.