Special Exceptions | Districts in which Use May Be Permitted | Requirement Designation |
Special Exceptions | Districts in which Use May Be Permitted | Requirement Designation |
Airport | S,I-l,I-2,I-3, and RB | all,d,gl,i13,j,k, m2,n |
Apartment, garden | S,D,LB,GB, and RB | See § 155.103 |
Apartment, high rise | S,D,LB,GB, and RB | See § 155.104 |
Artificial Lake of three or more acres | All | gl,j |
Cemetery | All | a12,bl,f,hl,j,k,ml |
Contingent uses in RB District | RB | al,bl,j,k,ml,n |
Country Club or Golf Course | All | a14,bl,i14,j,k,ml |
Filling Station | LB,GB,RB, and I-l | al,bl,f,hl,j,k,ml, n,o |
Heliport | All | a10,d,g4,i13,j,k,m2 |
Hospital | All | a4,b3,i5,j,m3 |
Junk Yard | I-l | b2,d,g3, or g5,i6, k,ml,o |
Mobile Home Park | All, except A,B, and C | a5,b3,f,hl,i8,j,k, ml,n |
Neighborhood Convenience Center Plan | All, except A | |
Nursing Home or Home for Aged | All, except A,B, and I-l | f,hl,i10,ml,n |
Nursing Home Conversion | C,D,LB, and GB | e2,f,hl,i10,ml,n |
Outdoor commercial enterprise | All, except A,B,C, and D | b2,c,f,gl,hl,i9,j, k,ml,n |
Outdoor theater | RB,I-l,I-2, and I-3 | b4,g4,j,k,m3,n |
Penal or correction institution | I-l,I-2, and I-3 | a12,b4,g5,i15,j, m3,n |
Special Exceptions | Districts in which Use May Be Permitted | Requirement Designation |
Special Exceptions | Districts in which Use May Be Permitted | Requirement Designation |
Private recreational development | All | b2,f,hl,i15,j,k,ml |
Private school, including kindergarten or day nursery | All, except A,B, and I-l | a8,b5,e2,g2,i7,j,k, ml,n |
Produce Terminal, or truck freight terminal | GB,RB,I-l, I-2, and I-3 | a6,b2,f,hl,i6,j,k, m5,n |
Professional Office Center | All, except S,A, B,C,I-2, and I-3 | al,b5,e2,f,hl,i2,j, k,ml,n |
Public Camp | S,I-2, and I-3 | a4,b4,j,k,ml,n |
Public or Commercial Sanitary Fill | All | b4,j,o |
Public or Employee | All, except | a2,j,k,l |
Parking Areas | A and B | |
Public Park or Public Recreational Facility | All | f,j,k,ml,n |
Radio or Television | All | j,k,m2 |
Transmitting Tower Raising and Breeding of Non-Farm Fowl and Animals, Commercially, except Kennel | RB,I-1, and 1-2 | a3,b2,d,ml,n |
Refuse Dump | 5,1-1,1-2, and 1-3 | a4,d,gl,j,ml |
Residence Use in the RB District | RB | al,bl,j,p |
Roadside Business or Enclosed Industrial Use in RB District | RB | See § 155.101(D) |
Seasonal Fishing or Hunting Lodge | S and I-3 | bl,i15,j |
Shopping Center Plan | All, except A | |
Special School | D,LB,GB,RB, I-1, and I-2 | a8,b5,g2,j3,ml,n |
Tourist Home | All, except S,A, B,C,I-2, and I-3 | al,bl,i12,k,m4,n |
Wind energy system over 35 feet | All | j, k, m2 All specific requirements of § 155.056 |
Wireless Facilities | LB, GB, RB, I1 and I2 | gl, j, k, m1, m2, q and r |
If the nature of the special exception involves more than one of those listed, the applicant may apply for an improvement location permit for the special exception which most closely relates to the primary use, provided that the requirements of all the related uses will be met.
Desig. Requirement
a. Minimum Lot Area or Tract Area
1. #
2. 1500 sq. ft.
3. 25,000 sq. ft.
4. 5 acres
5. 5 acres including 3500 sq. ft. per mobile home stand
6. 2 acres
7. 40,000 sq. ft. but not less than 2500 sq. ft. per person cared for
8. 10,000 sq. ft.
9. 8,000 sq. ft. but not less than 1,000 sq. ft. per person cared for
10. one acre
11. 80 acres
12. 40 acres
13. 20 acres (tract)
14. No requirement
b. Minimum Yards (Feet)
Front Side (each) Rear
l. # # #
2. # 40 40
3. 60 30 40
4. 100 75 40
(Abutting residential)
100 30 20
(Abutting other use)
5. # 10 #
6. # # 20
Plus additional foot for each 2 feet above minimum height required
Desig. Requirement
c. Building setback from centerline of interior road 40 (Feet)
d. Use permitted not closer than 200 feet to a residential use
e. Minimum gross floor area of principal buildings
(Square Feet)
l. #
2. Over 1,000
f. Plan of landscape development to be submitted with application (May be combined with development plan
g. Fence
1. 6-foot wire mesh where accessible to the public
2. 4-foot wire mesh around play area
3. Solid wall or solid painted fence 8 feet high except along railroad right-of-way
4. 4-foot wire mesh abutting residential use
5. 8-foot wire mesh fence covered and maintained with thick ivy growth
h. Screen planting where abutting residential use (Tight screen, effective at all times)
1. 6-foot height by 6-foot width
i. Number of Parking Spaces Required
1. 2 per each dwelling unit
2. 3 per prof. person plus 1 per each employee
3. 1 per 3 employees plus 1 per 6 students
4. l per 3 employees plus 1 per 125 square feet of sales area
5. l per 4 beds plus 1 per doctor plus 1 per 3 employees plus 1 per hospital vehicle
6. l per 2 employees on largest shift
7. 1 per 2 employees plus 1 per 5 children to be accommodated
8. 1 per 2 employees plus 1 per mobile homestand
9. l per 3 employees plus 1 per 500 square feet of use area
10. l per each 5 patients, plus 1 per each staff member or supvr. doctor, plus, 1 per each 3 employees.
11. 3 per 4 employees plus 1 per 4 seats
12. 1 per employee plus 1 per sleeping accommodation
13. 1 per employee plus 1 per 3 seats in waiting room
14. 30
15. As determined by the Board of zoning Appeals.
The determination shall be based upon the expected number of parking spaces the particular type of use would require to satisfy estimated peak parking load requirements.
j. Development plan to be submitted with application
k. Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Board
l. No sales, dead storage, repair work, no dismantling on the lot
m. Maximum height of structure (Feet)
l. #
2. As required by appropriate state or federal agency
3. 65 4. 35
5. 45
n. Approval by Board of Public Works and Safety that sewers are adequate
o. Use permitted not closer than 200 feet to the property line of any tract which is either used or intended to be used for a public or semi-public building or use.
p. Except as provided in this chart, requirements are the same as those set forth in § 1 of this Appendix.
q. No wireless facilities are permitted within a three-block radius of the downtown business district and Courthouse Square.
r. To locate a wireless facility on any city or utility tower, man-made structure, or city property, approval by the proper board must be given prior to all hearings.
NOTE: Use of # symbol in this figure indicates that the requirements of the district apply to the special exception where located in accordance with the same requirements of the contingent uses as set forth in §§ 155.091 through 155.094 and § 8 of this Appendix.
(Ord. CO-67-2, passed 2-21-67; Am. Ord. CO-77-21, passed 10-19-77; Am. Ord. CO-01-10, passed 11-12-01; Am. Ord. 11-06, passed 5-23-11)