   111.01   Definitions
   111.02   Registration required
   111.03   Registration fee
   111.04   Conditions and restrictions
   111.05   Issuance of certificate of permit
   111.06   Revocation of permit
   111.99   Penalty
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   MOTOR VEHICLE. Any vehicle used for displaying, selling, storing or transporting of articles offered for sale by a peddler, solicitor or street vendor which is required to be licensed and registered by the Illinois Secretary of State.
   PEDDLERS. Any person who shall sell or offer for sale at wholesale, retail or as a commissioned merchant, or barter or exchange any goods, wares, merchandise, fruit or vegetables traveling from place to place along or among any public place, or from private property, or at the doors of houses, apartments or stores; or who shall offer for sale or sale and delivery immediately from a trailer or other motor vehicle or stand.
   PUBLIC PLACE. For purposes of this chapter, “public place” means any street, sidewalk, park, alley, dedicated public right-of-way or any other public property owned or controlled by the village or any other governmental entity.
   SOLICITOR. Any person who shall conduct one or more of the following activities:
      (1)   Seeking to obtain orders for the purchase of goods, wares, merchandise, foodstuffs or services of any kind, character or description whatsoever, for any kind of consideration;
      (2)   Seeking to obtain prospective customers for application or purchase of insurance of any type, kind or character or of utility services excluding those offered by the village;
      (3)   Seeking to obtain subscriptions to books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers and every other type or kind of publication; or
      (4)   Seeking to obtain gifts or contributions of money, clothing or any other valuable thing for the support or benefit of any charitable or nonprofit association, organization, corporation or project.
   STAND. Any table, showcase, bench, rack, pushcart, wagon or any other wheeled vehicle or device which may be moved without the assistance of a motor and which is not required to be licensed and registered by the Illinois Secretary of State, used for the displaying, storing or transporting of articles offered for sale by a peddler, solicitor or street vendor.
   STREET VENDOR. Any person engaged in the selling or offering for sale of food, beverages, goods, wares or merchandise in any public place or on private property from a stand, motor vehicle or his or her person.
   TRAILER. Every vehicle without motive power in operation designed for carrying persons or property and for being drawn by a motor vehicle and so constructed that no part of its weight rests upon the towing vehicle.
(Prior Code, § 2-2-1) (Ord. 2022-04, passed 3-14-2022)
   (A)    Registration shall be required as follows.
      (1)   (a)   Every peddler, solicitor or street vendor, prior to engaging in the act of peddling, solicitation or vending, must first register for a permit with the Village Clerk.
         (b)   At the time of registration, every peddler, solicitor or street vendor must provide their federal employer identification number and their state retailers occupation tax identification number.
         (c)   Peddlers, solicitors or vendors of food must provide evidence of compliance with any and all required State and County Health Department requirements, and proof of liability insurance.
         (d)   Registration shall also require the applicant’s name, address, date of birth and telephone number; the food, beverage or merchandise to be sold; the manner of selling and the mode of conveying same; the name of the firm, company, organization or association being represented; and the make and license number of any motor vehicle used in connection therewith.
      (2)   The registration shall also provide the names, address, date of birth and phone number of any individuals working under the registration being applied for.
      (3)   The registration shall also provide a description of the proposed location or general areas in which activities shall be conducted and the requested hours of business, which hours shall not exceed the times allowed from time to time by the Village Board.
      (4)   No registration shall be accepted until the information has been approved by the police department for verification of the information contained in such application for registration.
   (B)   Exceptions. The following shall not be required to register for a permit under division (A) above:
      (1)   Any person or entity organized and operated exclusively for religious or charitable purposes and not operated for the pecuniary profit of any person or organization if the sales by such persons or organization are conducted by the person or members of any organization without remuneration and the proceeds from such sales will be used for charitable or religious purposes;
      (2)   Programs which are sponsored by any other municipal authority, including, but not limited to, county, school, park or township authorities; and
      (3)   Any person selling farm produce, craft goods or other wares at a site designated by the village, and during designated times, in the course of a community enterprise commonly referred to as a “farmers’ market”.
(Prior Code, § 2-2-2) (Ord. 2022-04, passed 3-14-2022) Penalty, see § 111.99
   The fee for registration hereunder and the duration of each permit issued hereunder shall be established from time to time by further action of by the Village Board.
(Prior Code, § 2-2-3) (Ord. 2022-04, passed 3-14-2022)
   (A)   Sound devices. No person shall call out, cry or use or operate any whistle, bell, horn, radio or other sound making device for the purpose of advertising any goods, wares or merchandise for sale or for the solicitation, peddling or vending of any orders for any goods or services.
   (B)   Hours of business. The hours of business shall be established from time to time by the Village Board. The applicant shall be informed of the applicable hours of business upon issuance of the permit.
   (C)   Quitting private property. It shall be a violation of this chapter for any peddler, solicitor or street vender to refuse or fail to leave any private premises in the village upon being requested to do so by the owner, occupant or person in charge thereof.
   (D)   Conduct to be orderly. No peddler, solicitor or street vender shall annoy or harass any person by importuning such person to purchase or look at his or her goods or wares, or place an order for goods or services; nor shall any such peddler, solicitor or street vender enter any private house without being first invited.
   (E)   Fraud. Any peddler, solicitor or street vender who shall be guilty of any fraud or misrepresentation, either directly or through the agency of any other person, while acting as a peddler, solicitor or street vendor shall be subject to penalty provisions of the village.
   (F)   Display of permit. The permit issued under this chapter shall be displayed at all times during the operation of business of the permit holder and all persons acting under the agency of the permit holder.
(Prior Code, § 2-2-4) (Ord. 2022-04, passed 3-14-2022) Penalty, see § 111.99
   Upon approval of the Chief of Police after consideration of the information obtained relative thereto, the permit shall be issued with an expiration date thereof.
(Prior Code, § 2-2-5) (Ord. 2022-04, passed 3-14-2022)