A. Purpose: The final development plan process is intended to address technical and documentation issues which may have arisen in the preparation of the preliminary plan. The final plan also requires complete documentation of all elements of the preliminary plan, including documents and instruments to be prepared for recording the plan in the Cook County recorder of deeds office.
B. Final Planned Development Submittal Requirements: The final development plan shall include the required information described in section 9-6-6 of this chapter. In addition to these submittal requirements, the following shall be submitted:
1. The final landscape plan with specific location of all plant material, specifying size and species.
2. A statement that with the exception of the minimum lot requirements of the zoning and subdivision control ordinances of the village, all requirements of these ordinances have been complied with by the applicant and owner.
3. A statement placed on the plat indicating that the operation and maintenance of designated common areas, common facilities, common buildings and open spaces shall be under the control of a homeowners' association in accordance with the laws of the village governing such associations as provided for in title 10, chapter 2 of this code.
4. Construction activities plan indicating how construction activity will be controlled by addressing contractor ingress/egress, construction parking, street cleaning and pest control.
5. Financial information including a copy of lender's commitment; MAI appraisals on the existing site before and after development completion, certificate of no delinquent taxes and financial pro forma.
6. Finalized copy of covenants, if any, to govern the use and maintenance of the development and ensure the continued observance of the provisions of the planned development.
C. Final Planned Development Review Procedures: Once the conditional use permit has been granted, the applicant may submit for a review meeting by the Planning and Zoning Commission to ensure that the final plan is consistent with the preliminary plan.
1. Planning and Zoning Commission Procedures For Review:
a. Public Meeting: The final plan and supporting data shall be filed with the director of public health and safety and forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commission for determination whether the final plan is in conformity with these regulations and in agreement with the approved preliminary plan.
b. Planning and Zoning Commission Action: Within sixty (60) days of the date the item first appears on the Planning and Zoning Commission agenda, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall vote to recommend approval or denial, or approval with conditions of the planned development conditional use permit to the village council by a simple majority of those Planning and Zoning Commissioners present and voting.
2. Written Findings Of Fact: The Planning and Zoning Commission in its recommendations with regard to an application for a planned development conditional use permit must set forth specific written findings of fact on each standard, as expressed in section 9-6-4 of this chapter.
D. Village Council Procedures For Review: The Village Council shall hold a meeting to act to approve, deny or approve with conditions the planned development conditional use permit within ninety (90) days of the village council's first meeting following receipt of the Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation. (Ord. O-44-02, 8-12-2002; amd. Ord. O-24-05, 6-13-2005; Ord. O-20-22, 9-5-2022)