A.   Upon the village clerk receiving an application and stamping it with the date and time of receipt, the village clerk shall forward the application to the village administrator or his designee.
   B.   Within ten (10) business days of his receipt of the application, the village administrator or designee shall:
      1.   Review the application to determine whether the application is complete;
      2.   Send a letter to the applicant acknowledging receipt of the application and advising whether such application is deemed complete or incomplete;
      3.   Submit to the historic preservation commission chairperson, for review, copies of the application (whether complete or incomplete) and a copy of the acknowledgment letter to the applicant.
   C.   If the application is determined by the village administrator or designee to be complete, the historic preservation commission chairperson shall:
      1.   Advise the historic preservation commission members of the receipt of an application;
      2.   If the applicant is not the owner of record, advise the owner of record of the application and seek consent of the owner to continue with the application process.
   D.   Only upon receipt of a complete application and the required consent of the owner or owners, as provided herein, the historic preservation commission chairperson shall schedule a public hearing, in concert with the village clerk. The village clerk will provide notice of the public hearing pursuant to section 12-1-4 of this title. The public hearing shall be conducted pursuant to the procedures set forth in section 12-1-5 of this title. Such public hearing shall be commenced not later than ninety (90) days following the filing of a complete application and receipt of consent of the owner or owners as required herein. Such public hearing may be continued upon request or consent of the applicant. (Ord. O-21-08, 5-27-2008)