(A)   Final plan development. The developer shall submit 1 digital and 1 printed copy of the following documents to the city: a preliminary plat, a preliminary utility plan, and a preliminary grading and drainage plan. Utilizing submitted plans as a base of the site in question, the City Engineer or a licensed engineer, if authorized by the City Administrator, shall develop final plans and project documents for the public infrastructure. The developer is responsible for the cost of final plan and project document preparation.
   (B)   Contents of the final plat and required information and plans.
      (1)   Preparation. Final plat preparation, prepared for recording purposes, shall be prepared in accordance with provisions of Minnesota Statutes and county regulations, and such final plat or accompanying submittals shall contain the following information:
         (a)   A large scale copy and a 11" x 17" copy of the approved preliminary plat and supporting documents illustrating all changes and conditions that were required as part of preliminary plat approval. This revised preliminary plat will provide the historical record of the subdivision approval by which subsequent final plats shall be considered.
         (b)   The name of the subdivision, which name shall not duplicate or be substantially similar to a plat previously recorded in the county. The name shall be subject to City Council approval. The first phase of development shall be called the "first addition", subsequent phases shall be consecutively numbered.
         (c)   Location by section, township, range, county, and state as well as descriptive boundaries of the subdivision based upon an accurate traverse, giving angular and linear dimensions.
         (d)   A north arrow and scale not greater than 1 inch equals 100 feet shall be shown on all maps/drawings.
         (e)   The location of monuments shall be shown in reference to existing official monuments on the nearest established street lines, including true angles and distances to such reference points and monuments.
         (f)   The location of all lots, outlots, streets, public highways, alleys, parks, and other features, with accurate dimensions in feet and decimals of feet, with the length of radii and/or arcs of all curves, and with all other information necessary to reproduce the plat on the ground. Dimensions shall be shown from all angle points of curve to lot line.
         (g)   Lots shall be numbered clearly. Blocks are to be numbered, with numbers shown clearly in the center of the block.
         (h)   The exact location, widths, and names of all streets to be dedicated.
         (i)   The location and width of all easements to be dedicated.
         (j)   The name, address, and phone number of the surveyor making the plat.
         (k)   Land dedicated as public park shall be labeled as outlot(s) on the final plat and the deed for the outlot(s) shall be given to the city with the final plat.
         (l)   Documents and information necessary to fulfill the conditions of approval of the preliminary plat.
         (m)   A current abstract of title or a registered property certificate, at the option of the City Attorney.
         (n)   A commitment for title insurance (not more than 30 days old) from a title insurance carrier authorized to conduct business in this state.
         (o)   Any title declaration, conservation easements, deed restrictions, restrictive covenants, homeowner's association documents, or common interest community documents.
         (p)   Statement dedicating all streets, alleys, other public right-of-way, and other public areas not previously dedicated, as follows: streets, alleys, and other public areas shown on this plat not heretofore dedicated to public use are hereby so dedicated.
         (q)   Statement dedicating all easements as follows: easements for installation and maintenance of utilities and drainage facilities are reserved over, under, and along the designated areas marked "drainage and utility easements."
         (r)   Final grading and construction plans shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with city standards.
         (s)   Copies of permits from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Corp of Engineers, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), Minnesota Department of Health, and other agencies as applicable. The permits shall be obtained prior to city approval of the final plat.
         (t)   Radii, internal angles, points and curvatures, and lengths of all areas.
         (u)   Accurate location of all monuments. Pipes or steel rods shall be placed at the corners of each lot and at the edge of wetlands.
         (v)   Accurate outlines, legal descriptions of any areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, or for the exclusive use of property owners within the subdivision with the purposes indicated therein.
         (w)   Certification by a registered land surveyor, to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by the surveyor and that monuments and markers shown thereof exist as located and that all dimensional geodetic details are correct.
         (x)   Notarized certification by owner, and by any mortgage holder of record, of the adoption of the plat, and the dedication of streets and other public areas.
      (2)   Certificates required.
         (a)   Certification by a registered land surveyor in the form required by M.S. § 505.03, as may be amended.
         (b)   The execution of all owners of any interest in the land and holders of a mortgage thereon of the certificates required by M.S. § 505.03, as may be amended, and which certificate shall include a dedication of the utility easements and other public areas in such form as approved by the City Council.
         (c)   Space for certificates of approval and review to be filled in and signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk. The form of the certificates shall be approved by the city. A copy of the approved format shall be available at city hall.
   (C)   Monuments. The outside boundary of the subject property is to be clearly marked with survey monuments.
   (D)   Development agreement.
      (1)   Final plat approval shall be contingent upon the applicant's entrance into a development agreement with the city. The agreement shall be prepared by the city and shall ensure development performance based on approvals. The agreement shall address, but not be limited to, the following:
         (a)   Financial securities;
         (b)   Warranties;
         (c)   Development time lines; and
         (d)   Remedies for default.
      (2)   The developer shall meet with the city staff and City Attorney to finalize the terms of the development agreement.
      (3)   Upon the finalization of the development agreement, the City Attorney shall have the final copy of the agreement signed by all appropriate parties. The development agreement shall be recorded against the property.
      (4)   Financial securities shall be posted with the city as outlined in the development agreement.
      (5)   Final grading and utility plans shall be approved by the City Engineer and made a part of the development agreement.
         (a)   No grading shall be allowed until the preliminary plat has been approved, an interim development agreement has been executed, and the required financial securities are posted with the city.
         (b)   No construction/installation of sanitary sewer or water facilities or streets shall be allowed until approval of a final plat and final development agreement and required financial securities are posted with the city.
(Ord. 550, passed 5-22-2006; Am. Ord. 686, passed 2-25-2019)