(A)   Use, occupation, and obstruction of streets and sidewalks. No person shall use, occupy, or obstruct, or cause to be used, occupied, or obstructed any street, sidewalk, or other public right-of-way or ground within this city with any tangible item so as to hinder free and open passage over the specified portion of that right-of-way unless the person, firm, or corporation shall have first obtained a permit to do so from the city in the manner herein provided.
   (B)   Maintenance of grass in public rights-of-way abutting private property. Notwithstanding the exceptions noted in § 98.05(C), property owners whose land abuts a public right-of-way shall be responsible for maintaining the grass in compliance with § 96.02, which prohibits noxious weeds and grass over 8 inches in height or grass which has gone to seed.
   (C)   City owned lake access. The city owns multiple lake accesses throughout the city either via fee title or right-of-way or easement. Some of the lake accesses are maintained and intended for motorized vehicle lake access and others are maintained in a natural state, designed and intended only for foot traffic and passive, non-motorized lake access. City owned lake accesses are not intended to be used as parkland.
      (1)   Motorized vehicle lake access. The only city owned lake accesses that shall permit motorized vehicles shall be those designated with signage explicitly authorizing such motorized access.
      (2)   Non-motorized lake access.
         (a)   Any city owned lake access without signage authorizing motorized vehicle access, prohibits the use of motorized vehicle access.
         (b)   Exception. Snowmobiles shall be permitted in accordance with M.S. § 84.87, as amended.
      (3)   Watercraft parking and docks. No watercraft shall be docked or anchored along any non-motorized lake access and no private docks shall be installed on any city owned lake accesses.
      (4)   Maintenance. Abutting property owners are not responsible for maintaining the grass in a city owned lake access.
      (5)   A violation of this section is a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 679, passed - -2018; Am. Ord. 713, passed 11-14-2022)