§ 17.8.905 STANDARDS.
   A.   Block design.
      1.   The length, width and shape of blocks shall be designed with due regard to providing adequate   that comply with the lot dimensional standards in Article 3 and development standards in Article 8.
      2.   Blocks meet the following standards:
   B.   Block length and .
      1.   Block lengths shall be a maximum of 500 feet and block perimeters shall be a maximum of 1,200 to 1,600 feet. Block length is defined as the distance along a between the centerline of two intersecting through . Block is defined as the sum of the block lengths of all sides of a block.
      2.   In residential and , no block shall be more than 330 feet in length. This length can be exceeded up to a maximum length of 660 feet under subsection C., Block length , below.
   C.   Block length . An to the block length standard may be permitted during the land division review when one of more of the following conditions exists:
      1.   Physical conditions preclude of a public . Such conditions include topography, , mature , creeks, drainages and rock outcroppings;
      2.    or existing on adjacent lands that preclude a connection;
      3.   Highways or railroads preclude connections;
      4.   Average of the block exceeds 15%, and the tangent of the roadway centerline does not vary more than 30 degrees transverse to the slope contours; and
      5.   Where an existing public or terminating at the boundary of the have a block length exceeding 500 feet, or are situated such that the extension of the (s) into the would create a block length exceeding 500 feet.
   D.   Pedestrian ways.
      1.   Off- pedestrian ways shall be connected to the network and used to provide pedestrian and bicycle in situations where a is not provided. In cases where a connection is provided, off- pedestrian ways shall not be permitted in lieu of a standard with sidewalks.
      2.   When block lengths exceed 500 feet, a pedestrian way of not less than ten feet in width shall be dedicated to provide pedestrian thorough the block, or to provide to , parks, designated open areas or other public areas. Such pedestrian ways shall be improved with hard surface material with an appropriate base to a minimum width of five feet prior to issuance of any for construction within the .
      3.   Sidewalks and/or pedestrian ways shall be designed according to standards or specifications on file at the .
      4.   Designated crosswalks across may also be required by the near the center of blocks that are over 500 feet in length.
   E.    .
      1.    of ten feet in width shall be provided along the lines of all or parcels for public utilities and sidewalks. Larger may be necessary to comply with adopted agency policies. The or other appropriate public agency shall be empowered to enter upon such for construction or maintenance of public utilities, and to remove, if necessary, any , , shrubbery or other obstruction, which may have been located within the .
      2.   Where a land division contains a watercourse or area serving for the accumulation or retention of surface water, shall be provided for such watercourses or retention area to ensure that no or shall be erected therein.
      3.   Where the alignment of a utility (other than required   ) is such that it would also serve as an for originating or continuing a pedestrian/bicycle path, an such be designated on the as serving both functions. In such cases, the minimum width shall be ten feet and the pedestrian/bicycle path shall be improved with a hard surface to a minimum width of eight feet.
   F.    , parcels and common areas. The size, dimensions and orientation of and parcels shall be consistent with all applicable standards of this Code and the following.
      1.    and parcel side lines. The side lines of parcels in shall run at right angles to the upon which they , and on curved shall be radial to the curve. The side lines of in need not run at right angles to the abutting , but may be laid out at any suitable angle to satisfy the solar standards of § 17.5.400.
      2.    . Each and parcel shall have a minimum on a public or private of at least 15 feet with the following :
         a.   A or parcel on the radius of a curved or on the circular end of a shall have of not less than 30 feet upon the abutting right-of-way measured on the arc.
      3.    and parcels.  and parcels are prohibited, except to provide separation of from arterial or adjacent activities or . In such cases, the shall require evergreen screening, a masonry wall, a landscaped earth and/or a non-  along the line of or parcels abutting such an arterial or other uses.
      4.   Future or of or parcels. Where a or will result in a or parcel of one-half or larger in size which could be further divided, the location of and parcel lines must allow for efficient future division without violating the requirements of this Code and without interfering with the extension of adjacent and abutting streets.
      5.   Subsequent . Land are prohibited within for a period of five years after the date of final approval, unless the land is shown as a future area on the final .
      6.      to resource areas. For , protected natural resources shall be integrated into the design of the subdivision and platted as a common area.
   G.   Public areas.
      1.    requirements.
         a.   Where a proposed park, playground or other public shown in a master plan adopted by the is located in whole or in part in a , the may require the or reservation of such area within the .
         b.   Where consistent with adopted policies, and where a master plan of the does not indicate proposed public areas, the may require the or reservation of areas within the for the of parks and other public .
      2.   Acquisition by public agency. If the developer is required to reserve land area for a park, playground or other public , such land shall be acquired by the appropriate public agency within 18 months following approval, at a price agreed upon prior to approval of the , or such reservation shall be released to the subdivider.
(Ord. 2009-01, passed 3-9-2009; Ord. 2013-3, passed 5-22-2013; Ord. 2017-12, passed 11-27-2017; Ord. 2019-05, passed 6-24-2019; Ord. 2022-01, passed 5-9-2022)