A.   No backing movement. Excluding single- and residences, groups of more than two shall be served by a service drive so that no backing movements or other maneuvering within a or other public right-of-way would be required.
   B.   Free flow of traffic. Service drives shall be designed and constructed to facilitate the flow of traffic, provide maximum safety of traffic and , and maximum safety of pedestrians and vehicular traffic on the .
   C.   Parking accessible from . Each parking and/or shall be accessible from a and the shall be of a width and location as described in §§ 17.8.100 et seq. for and Circulation.
   D.    , stall and   dimensions.  configuration, stall and   size shall be of sufficient width for all vehicles turning and maneuvering, based on the standards shown in Figures 8-11 and 8-12.
   E.   Permanent marking. Except for single- and residences, any area intended to be used to meet the off- parking requirements shall have all clearly marked using permanent paint. All interior drives and   shall be clearly marked and signed to show direction of traffic flow and maintain vehicular and pedestrian safety.
   F.   Surfacing. 
      1.   Except for single- and residences, all areas used for the parking and/or storage and/or maneuvering of any vehicle, boat and/or trailer shall be improved with asphalt or concrete surfaces according to the same standards required for the construction and acceptance of city .
      2.   Off-street parking spaces for single- and residences shall be improved with an asphalt or concrete surface to specifications as approved by the Building Official.
      3.   Where possible, pervious surfacing should be used for off- parking areas.
      4.   The uses and operations listed below may provide alternative surfacing, such as gravel or other similar semi-pervious surfaces, from the above requirements for vehicular parking or storage areas. Driveways and access aprons which connect to any paved access road and/or public shall meet the surfacing requirements listed above.
         a.   Community recreation;
         b.   Agriculture/horticulture;
         c.   Outdoor storage.
            i.   Allowed as an accessory use to a primary use and limited to uses located in the Light Industrial (LI) and General Industrial (GI) zones;
            ii.   Any outdoor storage that would otherwise be visible at the property line shall be screened from view at the abutting property line by a sight obscuring fence or planting not less than six feet in height;
            iii.   The property owner shall maintain a gravel storage area to ensure continued drainage and dust control; and
            iv.   Does not include self-service storage provided for rental of storage space to the public for personal vehicles, recreational vehicles, boats or other personal property. Self-service storage shall be subject the surfacing requirements of § 17.8.525.F.1 above.
   G.   Wheel stops.  along the boundaries of a parking lot or adjacent to interior landscaped areas or sidewalks shall be provided with a wheel stop at least four inches high located one and one-half feet back from the front of the parking stall as defined in Figure 8-7.
   H.   Drainage. Off- parking and shall provide stormwater drainage in accordance with specifications approved by the . Off- parking and loading facilities shall be drained to avoid flow of water across public sidewalks.
   I.   Lighting. Artificial lighting on all off- parking facilities shall be designed to deflect all light away from surrounding residences and so as not to create a glare hazard to the public of any road or .
   J.   Maintenance. All parking lots shall be kept clean and in good repair at all times. Breaks in paved surfaces shall be repaired promptly and broken or splintered wheel stops shall be replaced so that their function will not be impaired.
   K.   Parking lots over three in size. Parking lots over three in size shall be designed to incorporate curbs and sidewalks along major drive .
Figure 8-11: Parking Stall Dimensions
Figure 8-12: Parking Stall and Aisle Dimensions
(Ord. 2009-01, passed 3-9-2009; Ord. 2013-3, passed 5-22-2013; Ord. 2022-01, passed 5-9-2022; Ord. 2022-03, passed 8-8-2022)