The intent of §§ 34.01 through 34.03 is to provide the City Council with a rational process for setting fees and charges. The philosophy is to base user fees on cost-of-service so the city will be able to recover the costs associated with delivering a service to an individual or group. By recovering the cost of providing a service, the rest of the community is not subsidizing services benefitting individuals. (Prior Code, § 2.600) (Ord. 1989-04, passed 2-13-1989)
(A) Licenses, permits, fees, and charges will be adjusted by Council resolution in July each year.
(B) Licenses, permits, fees, and charges subject to §§ 34.01 through 34.03 shall be reviewed with a cost-of-service study every five years. Following completion of each cost-of-service study and its review and/or amendment by the Council, the Council shall designate by resolution the cost of all licenses, permits, fees, and charges subject to §§ 34.01 through 34.03. Subsequent adjustments prior to completion of the next required cost-of-service study shall be made in accordance with § 34.03. Unless specifically exempted, all city licenses, permits, fees, and charges are subject to § 34.03.
(Prior Code, § 2.601) (Ord. 1989-04, passed 2-13-1989)
(A) Adjustments to fees and charges shall be based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the percentage of the general wage adjustment for city employees. Fees and charges may be adjusted by the Portland Area Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers, as compiled and published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
(B) If the CPI is used for the annual adjustment, changes will be equal to the percentage change in the Portland Area CPI for all urban consumers in one 12-month period. The comparison month will be January of each year.
(C) Fees and charges may be adjusted by the fiscal year general wage adjustment. The amount will be equal to the percentage adjustment in wages for the same fiscal year of the fee increase.
(Prior Code, § 2.605) (Ord. 1989-04, passed 2-13-1989)
(A) Fees, taxes, rates, and other charges imposed or collected by the city designed to pay costs associated with delivery (either by the city or other governmental unit) of services may be made part of and included with any billing statement(s) issued by the city for its municipal water and electricity utilities.
(B) Payments received by the city as part of its municipal utility billing process shall be prioritized so charges imposed for the city’s water and electricity utilities are, in that order, deemed the last to be paid.
(C) (1) In the event the city receives less than full payment of the fees, taxes, rates, and other charges listed on city utility billing statement(s), the city shall have the right but not the obligation to terminate or suspend delivery of either or both of its utility services to the affected property or structure until the city receives (or is assured of) payment in full.
(2) Notwithstanding the foregoing, prior to termination or suspension of city utility service(s) for non-payment of fees, taxes, rates, or other charges, the city shall provide the person responsible for payment with written notice of the proposed suspension or termination which notice shall describe the manner and time in which the person may contest said suspension or termination.
(Prior Code, § 2.615) (Ord. 1989-04, passed 2-13-1989; Ord. 2013-07, passed 8-13-2013)
(A) The City Manager is authorized to set and collect fees and charges for administrative services and for the use of city property when such fees and charges have not been otherwise set by a City Council resolution. The City Manager shall also have the authority to determine the amount of reimbursement to be paid for loss of, or damage to, city property.
(B) Fees for administrative purposes shall include the cost of materials, equipment, and personnel time.
(C) Fees set by the City Manager for administrative services shall not exceed $100 for each provision of service.
(Prior Code, § 2.650) (Ord. 1989-04, passed 2-13-1989; Ord. 1991-09, passed 9-9-1991)
(A) An excise tax shall be imposed upon all utility customers within the city limits. Use of the excise tax revenue shall be limited to funding the Public Safety and Support Services Programs within the city’s Capital Improvements Program.
(B) The excise tax shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the Budget Committee. Upon review of the capital improvements excise tax, the Budget Committee shall make recommendations to the City Council on the amount of the excise tax. No annual increase in the excise tax can exceed 5%, and no series of annual increases added together can exceed 20% over a five-year period.
(C) The City Council shall approve the amount of the capital improvements excise tax by resolution prior to July 1 each year.
(D) The capital improvements excise tax is not covered by the annual fee adjustment.
(Prior Code, § 2.800) (Ord. 1990-05, passed 5-14-1990; Ord. 1991-09, passed 9-9-1991)