General Provisions
   30.01   State law
   30.02   Definitions
Candidate Regulations
   30.15   Candidate qualifications
   30.16   Terms and oath
   30.17   Filing period
   30.18   Candidate filing forms
   30.19   Filing prospective petition
   30.20   Circulating petition
   30.21   Required signatures
   30.22   Filing completed petition
   30.23   Deficient petition
   30.24   Withdrawal of candidacy
   30.25   Certification of candidates
   30.26   Certificate of nomination
Vacancies in Office
   30.40   Vacancy in office
   30.41   Filling vacancies
   30.42   Appointment by Council
§ 30.01 STATE LAW.
   (A)   Pursuant to City Charter § 26, city elections must conform to state law, except as the Charter or ordinances provide otherwise. All elections for city offices must be nonpartisan.
   (B)   Oregon Revised Statutes Chapters 249 and 254 govern the manner of nominating and electing candidates for city offices and are hereby adopted by reference.
   (C)   Oregon Revised Statutes Chapters 246 through 260 govern the conduct of city elections and are hereby adopted by reference.
(Prior Code, § 2.000) (Ord. 2009-10, passed 7-13-2009)
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUSINESS DAYS. Regular work days (calendar days, excluding weekends and legal holidays of the city).
   CANDIDATE. An individual whose name appears or is expected to appear on an official ballot.
   CITY ELECTIONS OFFICIAL. The City Recorder is the person with whom the candidate files appropriate forms.
   COMPLETED PETITION. A candidate petition containing 100% of the certified signatures necessary to obtain ballot access.
   COUNTY ELECTIONS. The County division in charge of city elections.
   ELECTIVE CITY OFFICE. The office of Mayor or Councilor which may be voted on only by the registered voters of the city.
   ELECTOR. An individual eligible under state and city law to vote in a city election.
   NONPARTISAN OFFICE. An office for which the candidate does not run under the name of any political party.
   O.A.R. Oregon Administrative Rules.
   O.R.S. Oregon Revised Statutes.
   PROSPECTIVE PETITION. The information and filing forms, except signatures and other identification of petition signers, required to be contained in a completed petition.
   REGISTERED VOTER. A resident of the state who is a U.S. citizen; 18 years of age; and is registered more than 20 calendar days before the election.
   TERM OF OFFICE. The term of the last person elected to the office.
(Prior Code, § 2.005) (Ord. 2009-10, passed 7-13-2009)