(a)   Snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles and all purpose vehicles being used for winter travel may be operated as follows:
      (1)   Subject to the prohibition contained in Section 375.03 (a)(10), snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles and all purpose vehicles may be operated on streets in the Village only for the purpose of gaining access to or from an area of operation outside the Village by the most direct route, unless Village streets must be used to make a crossing. Such crossings must be made at intersections and not until the same can be made in safety and without interfering with the movement of vehicular traffic approaching from any direction on the highway or street. The operator shall yield the right of way to any approaching traffic;
      (2)   On highways in the County or Township road systems whenever the local authority having jurisdiction over such highway so permits;
      (3)   Off and alongside a street or highway for limited distances from the point of unloading from a conveyance to the point at which the snowmobile, off- highway motorcycle or all purpose vehicle is intended and authorized to be operated.
         (Ord. 1448. Passed 1-11-96.)
   (b)   Whoever violates any provision of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on a first offense; on a second offense within one year after the first offense, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree; on each subsequent offense within one year after the first offense, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.