(a)   The applicable provisions of this Traffic Code shall be applied to the operation of snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all purpose vehicles; except that no snowmobile, off- highway motorcycle, or all purpose vehicle shall be operated as follows:
      (1)   Upon any property owned or leased by the Municipality except in areas designated for such purposes or in a tree lawn with the consent of the owner of the contiguous private property;
      (2)   On any private property, or in any nursery or planting area, without the permission of the owner or other person having the right to possession of the property;
      (3)   On any land or waters controlled by the State, except at those locations where a sign has been posted permitting such operation;
      (4)   On the tracks or right of way of any operating railroad;
      (5)   While transporting any firearm, bow or other implement for hunting, that is not unloaded and securely encased;
      (6)   For the purpose of chasing, pursuing, capturing or killing any animal or wild fowl;
      (7)   During the time from sunset to sunrise, unless displaying lighted lights as required by Section 375.02 ;
      (8)   With more than one passenger;
      (9)   At a rate of speed greater than is reasonable and proper having due regard for conditions then existing and in no event in excess of ten miles per hour notwithstanding posted speed limits;
      (10)   On any part of State Route 53 and State Route 37 within the Village corporation limits except to make a crossing as provided in Section 375.04 (a);
      (11)   Without wearing a protective helmet upon the head and, if carrying a passenger, such passenger must also wear a protective helmet. The helmet, safety glasses or other protective eye device shall conform with regulations prescribed and promulgated by the Ohio Director of Highway Safety. Head and tail lights shall be used at all times.
         (Ord. 1448. Passed 1-11-96.)
   (b)   Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.