The city’s parks and playgrounds that are subject to this ordinance include but may not be limited to the Folly River Park, the Community Center park, the City Park (the tennis court and two basketball half-courts), the Timothy Goodwin Pirates Cove Playground, the dog park, and the Wave Watch Playground. The number of city parks and playgrounds may grow or shrink over time, and their names might change. The parks and playgrounds of the city may not be reserved for the exclusive use of any group unless as part of a city-approved special event. Groups of 25 or more persons seeking to use a park or playground for a non-exclusive event must provide the following as notice to the city: the time, place, duration, and nature of the event and the number of expected participants, and the name and contact information, including cell phone numbers, of the person or persons who will be responsible for responding to complaints or handling problems.
(Ord. 26-13, passed 2-25-14; Am. Ord. 001-22, passed 2-8-22)
(A) The city’s parks and playgrounds shall normally be open to the public from 8:00 a.m. to sunset, unless otherwise posted.
(B) Events in Folly River Park or the Community Center must end by 11:00 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday and by midnight on Friday, Saturday, holidays, and Sunday if the following Monday is a recognized holiday.
(Ord. 26-13, passed 2-25-14; Am. Ord. 001-22, passed 2-8-22)
(A) All persons who use the city’s parks and playgrounds shall abide by the posted rules and regulations.
(B) Open fires are prohibited in the city’s parks and playgrounds. Gas grills may be used.
(Ord. 26-13, passed 2-25-14)
(A) A person who wants to reserve the Community Center for the exclusive use of 25 or fewer people shall first make application in City Hall and pay the appropriate fee, if any.
(B) A person who wants to reserve the Community Center for the exclusive use of more than 25 people shall first make application in City Hall and pay the appropriate fee, if any, and shall also apply for a special events permit as provided in § 153.06.
(C) Non-profit Folly Beach clubs and organizations are not required to pay fees or to apply for special event permits in order to use the Community Center.
(Ord. 26-13, passed 2-25-14)