§ 167.01-04 Subdivision Design Standards.
   (A)   Markers. Markers shall be constructed of steel rods or iron pipes not less than 5/8-inch in diameter and not less than 30 inches long and shall be placed vertically in the ground at the following locations:
      (1)   All angles formed by intersection of lot lines; and
      (2)   All exterior corners of the subdivision.
   (B)   Lots. Lots in new subdivisions shall comply with the following standards:
      (1)   All lots shall be accessible by streets built to the minimum county standard.
      (2)   The lot size, width, shape, grade and orientation shall be in relation to street and block design, existing and proposed topographical and natural vegetative conditions, and the type of development and use contemplated.
      (3)   Corner lots shall be of sufficient size and shape to permit required building setback and orientation to both streets.
      (4)   When a residential subdivision is proposed that would abut an arterial, it shall be designed to provide through lots along the arterial with access from a frontage road or interior local road. Access rights of these lots to the arterial shall be dedicated to the city and recorded with the deed.
      (5)   Any remnants of land not meeting all the requirements of this ZDO for the required lot size shall be either incorporated in existing or proposed lots or preserved as open space set-aside.
      (6)   Flag lots shall comply with the following standards:
         (a)   Flag lots shall not be permitted when their effect would be to increase the number of properties requiring direct and individual access connections to the state highway system or other major thoroughfares.
         (b)   Flag lots may be permitted for residential development, when deemed necessary to achieve planning objectives, such as preserving natural or historic resources under the following conditions:
             1.   Flag lot driveway shall be separated from other driveways by at least the minimum lot width requirement of the zoning district.
            2.   The flag lot driveway shall have a minimum width of 21 feet.
            3.   In no instance shall flag lots constitute more than 10% of the total number of building sites in a subdivision.
            4.   The lot area occupied by the flag lot driveway shall not be counted as part of the required minimum lot area of that zoning district.
   (C)   Streets. Public streets shall comply with the following standards:
      (1)   Street design.
         (a)   All shoulders and slopes shall be prepared in compliance with the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, latest edition.
         (b)   Streets shall be designed in accordance with all state requirements.
         (c)   All shoulders and slopes shall be protected from erosion.
         (d)   Subdivisions with frontage on the state highway system shall be designed with shared access points to and from the highway.
         (e)   Normally a maximum of two accesses shall be allowed regardless of the number of lots or businesses served.
         (f)   Direct access to individual one- and two-family dwellings shall be prohibited on the state highways.
         (g)   Roadways built in coastal watersheds shall be designed and located so as to prevent pollution of runoff water or interference with natural drainage patterns.
         (h)   Major roadways within the coastal flood plain shall be located parallel to land drainage flow (generally, perpendicular to the coast).
         (i)   Essential minor roadways shall be designed to facilitate the flow of land drainage and coastal waters.
         (j)   Essential wetland, tideland and estuarine crossings shall be built as elevated structures.
         (k)   Bridge structures shall be designed so as not to impede or reduce the natural volume or rate of flow of water.
         (l)   Lots on Center Street shall be limited to one curb cut with a maximum width of ten feet.
         (m)   Lots in the RSF and RTF districts shall be limited to two curb cuts separated by at least ten feet.
      (2)   Street signs.
         (a)   Street name signs shall be installed at all intersections by the subdivider. The design, construction, materials and placement of all street name signs shall conform to the requirements of the city, or a comparable street name and house numbering plan approved by the Planning Commission.
         (b)   Stop signs shall be placed at all cross type and "r" type intersections in conformance with the requirements contained in the State Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways.
      (3)   Street names.
         (a)   The preliminary plat as submitted shall not indicate any names for proposed streets. The Planning Commission shall name all roads upon recommendation of the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator shall consult the applicant and the local postmaster prior to rendering its recommendation to the Planning Commission. Names shall be sufficiently different in sound and spelling from other road names so as not to cause confusion.
         (b)   A road which is or is planned as a continuation of an existing road shall bear the same name.
      (4)   Street connectivity.
         (a)   The street system of a proposed subdivision shall be designed to coordinate with existing, proposed, and planned streets outside of the subdivision.
         (b)   Whenever a proposed development abuts unplatted land or a future development phase of the same development, street stubs shall be provided as deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works to provide access to abutting properties or to logically extend the street system into the surrounding area.
         (c)   All street stubs shall be provided with temporary turnarounds or cul-de-sacs unless specifically exempted by the city, and the restoration and extension of the street shall be the responsibility of any future developer of the abutting land.
         (d)   Collector streets shall intersect with collector or arterial streets at safe and convenient locations.
         (e)   Sub-collector and local residential access streets shall connect with surrounding streets to permit the convenient movement of traffic between residential neighborhoods or facilitate emergency access and evacuation, but the connections shall not be permitted where the effect would be to encourage the use of such streets by through traffic.
         (f)   Subdivisions on a single residential access street ending in a cul-de-sac or dead end shall not exceed 25 lots or dwelling units, and the cul-de-sac shall have a minimum cartway radius of 35 feet.
         (g)   Sight distance triangle.
            1.   No object or sign shall interfere with visibility within the sight distance triangle of an intersection of public streets (assuming eye level at three and one-half feet to six feet from a distance of 15 feet from the edge of the pavement) (See Figure 167.1: Sight Distance Triangle.).
            2.   The length of the sight distance triangle shall be calculated in accordance with Table 167.01, Sight Distance Triangle Determination.
(In feet per every 10 mph of street design speed)
(In feet per every 10 mph of street design speed)
Example: A two-lane street with a design speed of 35 mph would require a minimum sight distance of 350 feet from the edge of an intersection (100 x 35 = 350)
         (h)   Sight triangles. Wherever an alley, private drive, or driveway intersects with a public street, the following standards apply:
            1.   Street/alley sight triangle. No visual obstruction over three and one-half feet in height shall be permitted within the 25-foot sight distance triangle created at the intersection of an alley and street. As depicted in Figure 167.02, Sight Triangles, the triangle is measured from a point where the curb line and the center line of the alley meet. The distance from this point shall be 25 feet along the street curb line ("B") and 25 feet along the alley center line ("A"). The third side of the triangle ("C") connects these two sides, creating the sight distance triangle.
            2.   Garage entrance/alley sight triangle. No visual obstruction over three and one-half feet in height shall be permitted within the six-foot sight distance triangle created at the intersection of a garage entrance and alley.
            3.   Driveway/street sight triangle. No visual obstruction over three and one-half feet in height shall be permitted within the ten-foot sight distance triangle created at the intersection of a driveway and street.
         (i)   Vertical curves. Minimum stopping sight distance shall be in accordance with Table 167.02, Minimum Sight Stopping Distance Standards:
Place, lane, sub-collector and lower order streets
Residential and major collector
As determined by SCDOT
   (D)   Blocks.
      (1)   Blocks shall have sufficient width to provide for two tiers of lots of appropriate depth. Exceptions to this standard shall be permitted in blocks adjacent to arterial streets, railroads, or waterways.
      (2)   No block shall be less than 600 feet in length. Where practicable, blocks along highways and arterials and collector streets shall be not less than 1,000 feet in length and no more than 1,400 feet in length.
      (3)   Pedestrian ways or crosswalks, not less than ten feet wide, shall be required through the center of blocks more than 800 feet long where deemed essential to provide circulation or access to schools, playgrounds or other community facilities.
   (E)   Sidewalks and pedestrian access.  
      (1)   Sidewalks may be required.
      (2)   Sidewalks shall be included within the dedicated right-of-way when indicated by the Planning Commission. Multi-use paths may be substituted for sidewalks on a case-by-case basis.
      (3)   A median strip of grassed or landscaped areas at least two feet wide shall separate all sidewalks from adjacent roads.
      (4)   The Planning Commission may require, in order to facilitate pedestrian access from the roads to parks, playgrounds or other nearby roads, perpetual unobstructed easements at least 20 feet in width.
   (F)   Easements.
      (1)   Easements shall be provided as required herein for this chapter for road rights-of-way and as required for the installation and maintenance of all utility systems.
      (2)   All easements shall be indicated on the preliminary and final subdivision plat.
   (G)   Connectivity. Street and sidewalk systems shall be configured to encourage interconnectivity between new developments and existing developed areas.
   (H)   Stormwater drainage.
      (1)   A drainage system shall be designed and constructed by the subdivider consistent with the design principals and standards in this ZDO and adequate to provide proper drainage of the surface water of the subdivision, the drainage area of which it is a part and the protection of downstream property owners from any increased runoff due to development. The following standards shall apply to all new subdivisions.
      (2)   Drainage easements shall be provided so that hazards to properties within the proposed subdivision are minimized and neighboring properties will not be adversely affected by the increased run-off after development.
      (3)   Where conditions make impractical the inclusion of drainage facilities within road rights-of-way, perpetual, unobstructed easements at least 15 feet in width for drainage facilities shall be provided across the property with satisfactory access to the road.
      (4)   Drainage easements shall extend from the road to a natural watercourse or to other drainage facilities, but in no case shall they drain to the ocean or river.
      (5)   Where practicable, drainage easements shall center along or be adjacent to a common property line.
      (6)   When a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainage way, channel or stream, there shall be provided a stormwater easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially to the lines of the watercourse, and of the width and construction as will be adequate for the purpose. Wherever possible, it is desirable that the drainage be maintained by an open channel with landscaped banks and adequate width for maximum potential volume of flow.
      (7)   Low-lying lands along watercourses subject to flooding or overflowing during storm periods shall be preserved in their natural state as drainage ways.
      (8)   Unless otherwise specified, the applicant shall be responsible for general maintenance of easements. The city or utility companies with lines in the easements shall have full right of access.
      (9)   All stumps, debris, trash and fallen trees within the easement right-of-way shall be cleared and removed by the subdivider.
   (I)   Sanitary sewer. A sanitary sewage disposal system shall be designed and constructed by the subdivider consistent with this ZDO and all other city requirements.
   (J)   Water supply.
      (1)   A potable water system shall be designed and constructed by the subdivider consistent with this ZDO and all other city requirements.
      (2)   Where a public water supply is reasonably accessible, the developer shall indicate a connection with the water supply and a water connection for each lot of a size, length, and material specified by the Public Works Department.
      (3)   Fire hydrants shall be required for all subdivisions connected to a public water system.
      (4)   Fire hydrants shall be located no more than 1,000 feet apart and within 500 feet of any structure and shall be approved by the Fire Department.
   (K)   Utilities. 
      (1)   Adequate areas of suitable size and location shall be allocated for utility easements.
      (2)   The location and size of the easements shall be worked out with the public and private utilities involved, shall center along or be adjacent to a common property line where practicable, and shall be installed underground except where unusual circumstances prohibit the practice.
      (3)   Each cul-de-sac or dead end street shall have provisions for a 15-foot utility easement extending along the property line to prevent dead-end utilities.
      (4)   Unless otherwise specified, the applicant shall be responsible for general maintenance of easements. The city or utility companies with lines in the easements shall have full right of access.
      (5)   All stumps, debris, trash and fallen trees within the easement right-of-way shall be cleared and removed by the subdivider.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10)