Once the funeral service is completed and the casket is placed in the receiving vault or other space, the town reserves the right to refuse permission to anyone to open the casket or to touch the body without the consent of the legal representatives of the deceased; provided, however, that if required, the town may take appropriate steps to correct any obnoxious or improper conditions.
(Prior Code, Ch. 16, Art. IV, § 16-111) (Ord. 130, passed 2-5-1990)
(A) Right to replat, regrade and use property. The right and privilege at any time and from time to time to resurvey, enlarge, diminish, replat, alter in shape or otherwise to change all or any part, portion or subdivision of the property (including the right to lay out, establish, close, eliminate or otherwise to modify or change the location of roads, walks or drives) and to file amended maps or plats thereof, and to use the same for the erection of buildings or for any purpose or uses connected with, incident to or convenient for the care, preservation or preparation for the disposal or interment of dead bodies, or other cemetery purposes, together with easements and rights-of-way over and through the premises for, and the right and privilege of installing, maintaining and operating pipelines, conduits or drains for sprinklers, drainage, electric or communication lines, or for any other purpose, is hereby expressly reserved to the town.
(B) No right granted in alleyways. No easement or right of interment is granted to any plot owner in any road, drive, alley or walk within the cemetery, but the road, drive, alley or walk may be used as a means of access to the cemetery or buildings as long as the town devotes it to that purpose.
(Prior Code, Ch. 16, Art. IV, § 16-112) (Ord. 130, passed 2-5-1990)
Besides being subject to this chapter, all interments, disinterments and removals shall also be subject to the orders and laws of the properly constituted authorities of the town, county and state.
(Prior Code, Ch. 16, Art. IV, § 16-121) (Ord. 130, passed 2-5-1990)
(A) Burial permits shall be obtained prior to any opening of burial ceremonies, and shall be issued by the town for purposes of maintaining records of the burial.
(B) A permit shall be obtained as required by law for making a disinterment, but the town shall assume no liability for damage to any casket or burial case in agreeing to or performing the disinterment.
(C) All interments and disinterments must be made at the time, in the manner and subject to the payment of the charges as set from time to time on the basis of cost by the cemetery management.
(D) All funerals upon reaching the cemetery shall be under the supervision of the cemetery management.
(E) The right is reserved by the town to insist upon at least a one-week notice prior to any disinterment of remains.
(F) No interments or disinterments shall be permitted on Sundays, or on any of the following holidays: New Year's Day, Lincoln's Birthday, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day. An extra charge will be required for funerals held on Saturday.
(G) When instructions from the plot owner regarding the location of an interment space in a plot cannot be obtained, are indefinite or when for any reason the interment space cannot be open where specified, the management may, at its own discretion, open it in the location in the plot as it deems best and proper, so as not to delay the funeral. The town shall not be liable in damages for any error so made.
(H) Tents, artificial grass, lowering devices and other equipment owned by the town shall be used exclusively in making interments and disinterments.
(I) The charges for the opening and/or closing of the grave must be paid and arrangements for the payment of any and all indebtedness due to the town prior to the time of the issuance of the permit for interment or disinterment. Opening and closing fees can be paid in advance with the understanding that they are not refundable.
(Prior Code, Ch. 16, Art. IV, § 16-122) (Ord. 156, passed 1-7-1991)
Removal by the heirs, of a body, so that the plot may be sold for profit or removal contrary to the expressed or implied wish of the original plot owner is repugnant to the ordinary sense of decency and is forbidden.
(Prior Code, Ch. 16, Art. IV, § 16-123) (Ord. 130, passed 2-5-1990)