   (A)   The contractor shall secure written permission of the Director of Public Works prior to the start of any construction operations within a municipal right-of-way. Three sets of approved plans must be submitted with the application at least three working days before work is scheduled to begin.
   (B)   The permittee shall notify the property owner or resident of adjoining occupied property at least two working days prior to disruption of access to the property, and at no time deny access to the property longer than one normal working day, and shall provide plank for crossings, if necessary.
   (C)   The permittee shall maintain all existing traffic control signs within the construction area, and shall reset all signs in their original locations as soon as construction operations will permit. The permittee shall place and maintain traffic warning signs during the course of work, as required by the Director of Public Works.
   (D)   Only rubber-tired equipment shall be used on pavement except that crawler equipment using street pads may be used.
   (E)   Existing regulations of the County Health Department, as applicable, shall be rigidly observed and enforced. Water or approved dust palliative in sufficient quantities shall be applied during all phases of construction involving open earth work to prevent the unnecessary discharge of dust and dirt into the air.
   (F)   During the course of work, the permittee shall maintain the work area in a clean and orderly condition. Excess excavation, debris and the like, will not be permitted to accumulate on the road surface or shoulders. Work shall progress in such a manner that no condition such as soft trenches, drop-offs from the edge of pavement and the like, will exist. Upon completion of installation, the permittee shall clean the pavement surface, pull and dress shoulders and otherwise put in order the entire work area to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. If the work is not completed in a manner acceptable to the Director of Public Works, the utility or any other permittee doing the work will be held responsible and further permits will not be issued pending the completion of the work.
(Prior Code, Ch. 16, Art. II, § 16-38) (Ord. 55, passed 12-15-1983)
   The policy applies to concrete driveways and sidewalks that extend from private property into the town right-of-way and connect to existing pavement or curb.
   (A)   The homeowner shall get a driveway and/or sidewalk installation permit from the town building official.
   (B)   (1)   The driveway and/or sidewalk shall be paid for by the homeowner.
      (2)   If necessary for installation, the homeowner shall pay for curb and sidewalk saw cut, removal and replacement.
      (3)   Homeowners with existing paved driveways will be allowed to replace their existing driveways with concrete.
      (4)   These homeowners will be responsible for the proper disposal of the asphaltic pavement.
   (C)   A one-half-inch thick expansion joint shall be installed at the property line (right-of-way line) across the driveway and/or sidewalk.
   (D)   The edges of the concrete in the right of way shall be rounded to a radius of no less than one- fourth inch.
   (E)   In areas where there is no curb, driveways and/or sidewalks shall be constructed in such a manner that the new concrete will not interfere with existing drainage along the side of the paved roadway. The existing paved roadway shall be trimmed to a straight line and the concrete shall be placed to the edge of pavement. The concrete shall be flush with the pavement.
   (F)   In areas with existing roll curb, the concrete for the driveway and/or sidewalk shall be placed flush with the top of the existing roll curb.
   (G)   In areas with existing vertical curb, with an existing curb depression at the curb connection, M.A.G. (Maricopa Association of Governments) Standard Detail 250 shall be used for the sidewalk portion of the driveway.
   (H)   In areas with existing vertical curb that do not have a curb depression at the curb connection, the existing curb shall be saw cut and removed in a manner not to disturb the existing paved roadway. A new depressed curb and sidewalk shall be installed per M.A.G. Standard Details 250 and 220, Type A.
(Prior Code, Ch. 16, Art. II, § 16-39) (Ord. 280-99, passed 7-19-1999)
   (A)   All residential and commercial developments require the installation and energizing of street lighting on public streets within and adjacent to the project in accordance with standards established pursuant to this section.
   (B)   The Town Manager or his or her designee shall promulgate written standards for the intensity of street lighting, acceptable fixtures and poles, acceptable locations, installation practices and the other related matters as the Town Manager or his or her designee determines to be appropriate.
(Prior Code, Ch. 16, Art. V, § 16-180) (Ord. 410-05, passed 11-7-2005)
   (A)   The town is serviced by multiple electric utility companies (EUC). Different standards for installation and design apply in each service area.
   (B)   The area includes that portion of the town in which EUC has been granted a certificate of convenience and necessity to provide electric utility service by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). The street lighting shall be designed by the owner's Engineer and the plans submitted to the town for review and approval. The town may impose a charge on the owner for each review and approval of the plans. Upon approval of the plans by the town, the developer shall pay the design and installation costs. The street lighting system will be inspected by the town and/or EUC prior to final plat approval. If the town determines that the street lighting system meets town standards, the street lighting system will be dedicated to the town or EUC in conjunction with the final plat approval. Ownership of the street lighting system will be conveyed to the town or EUC by dedication on the final plat, which upon recording with the Pinal County Recorder, shall constitute acceptance of the dedication by the town. If the project is not a subdivision, ownership of the street lighting system shall be conveyed to the town or EUC by an instrument acceptable to the Town Attorney and recorded in the office of the Pinal County Recorder.
(Prior Code, Ch. 16, Art. V, § 16-181) (Ord. 410-05, passed 11-7-2005)
   (A)   Developers of residential and commercial property are responsible for all design, installation, plan review and approval and energizing costs of street lighting on public streets within their project and all adjacent minor and major arterial streets fronting their project and upon which the project has an access point. If a developer of a residential or commercial property contends that the requirement to install street lighting adjacent to their site is excessive, an appeal may be filed in writing with the Town Manager or his or her designee. The determination of the Town Manager or his or her designee upon the appeal shall be final.
   (B)   The design, plans and installation shall be in accordance with the standards established by the town and the applicable utility service provider.
   (C)   The developer shall retain a professional Engineer registered in the state to prepare the lighting system design and appropriate calculations relative to illumination levels. Illumination design shall follow the recommendations of the American National Standard Practice for Roadway Lighting, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America and town street lighting standards.
(Prior Code, Ch. 16, Art. V, § 16-182) (Ord. 410-05, passed 11-7-2005)
   (A)   The cost of the electricity, operation and maintenance of the street lighting system shall be assessed by the town against the owners of the real property as follows:
      (1)   Within a residential subdivision, the cost of the electricity, operation and maintenance of all street lights on streets within the subdivision, including major arterial, minor arterial and collector streets shall be charged to the property owner(s) through creation of a Street Light Improvement District. The developer shall initiate the formation of the Street Light Improvement District prior to the final plat approval by executing a petition for formation of a Street Light Improvement District in a form acceptable to the Town Attorney.
      (2)   Within a commercial subdivision, the cost of the electricity, operation and maintenance of all street lights on streets within the subdivision, including major arterial, minor arterial and collector streets on which access is provided to the commercial subdivision shall be charged to the property owner through creation of a Street Light Improvement District. The developer shall initiate the formation of the Street Light Improvement District prior to the final plat approval by executing a petition for formation of a Street Light Improvement District in a form acceptable to the Town Attorney.
      (3)   The town shall require each party dedicating the street lights to the town to warranty the street lights against defects in design, installation and operation for a two-year period commencing on the date of dedication. Normal wear and tear arising from the operation of the street lights shall be excepted from the warranty requirement.
      (4)   For any other property, the cost of the electricity, operation and maintenance of all street lights fronting the property or on any street for which access is provided to the property may be charged to the property owner at the discretion of the town.
   (B)   Any owner of real property upon presentation of a petition signed by a majority of the owners of real property within the area may request that the town install additional street lights. Upon review of the petition by the town, a public hearing shall be held upon the request. Following the public hearing, upon presentation of a petition for formation of a Street Light Improvement District in a form acceptable to the Town Attorney, the Town Council may commence improvement district proceedings to form a Street Light Improvement District and to assess the cost of the electricity, operation and maintenance of additional street lights against the property within the Street Light Improvement District.
(Prior Code, Ch. 16, Art. V, § 16-183) (Ord. 410-05, passed 11-7-2005)
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, see A.R.S. §§ 48-572 et seq.