(A)   The property owner shall be responsible for the cleaning, unstopping, maintenance and repair of the building connection piping serving the owner's property from the home or building to the public sewer line for repair including that portion of the private side extending into the town's right-of-way and connecting to the public sewer including the tie or saddle connection thereto.
   (B)   Where the connection of a stoppage requires the repair or replacement of a damaged or broken section of the building connection piping serving a single-family or a duplex property and the damaged or broken section is located within the public right-of-way, the property owner will be responsible for the repair or replacement of the damaged or broken section in the public right-of-way.
   (C)   Where the correction of a stoppage requires the repair or replacement of a damaged or broken section of the building connection piping serving a single-family or a duplex property and the damaged or broken section is located off property in a street or alley, the owner or his or her contractor shall obtain a permit from the town to do work in a public right-of-way prior to doing the work.
   (D)   The town shall be responsible for the repair and maintenance of all main trunk sewer lines. The responsibility for the expense and cost of maintaining, repairing and replacing any lateral sewer line from the point where the lateral taps the main trunk line to the boundary of the user's property shall be borne and paid by the property owner served by any lateral. Maintenance of the entire customer line from the building to the public sewer line shall be the responsibility of the property owner. In the case of stoppage, if there is a question as to whether the stoppage is in the sewer main, the town will promptly, upon call, determine whether there is stoppage in the main and will clear the main if necessary.
   (E)   If it is unclear whether a stoppage is in the service connection or the customer line, the town may assist in the determination. If the stoppage is in the customer line, the town may assist the customer with the restoration of service. In such cases, the customer will be responsible for all costs incurred by the town.
(Prior Code, Ch. 18, Art. III, § 18-154) (Ord. 346-04, passed 6-21-2004)