Before any license for a circus or menagerie, or both combined, or amusement rides or wild west show is issued as provided herein, the applicant shall deposit with the City Clerk a cash bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) conditioned upon the faithful observance of this ordinance, and conditioned further that no damage will be done to the streets, sewers or other public or private property and that the same will be restored to the condition which existed prior to use by such licensee, and that no dirt, paper, litter or other debris will be permitted to remain upon the streets or upon any public or private property by such licensee. Such cash bond which has been deposited shall be returned upon certification of the Director of Public Works and Utilities and the Chief of Police that all conditions of this ordinance have been complied with and that the property, both public and private, and streets where such circus or menageries, or both combined, or amusement rides, or Wild West Show has been held is placed in a neat condition and all debris removed. Said cash bond shall be further conditioned that the applicant shall pay the necessary license fees to the City Clerk.
   The applicant for a license as provided herein, before such license is granted, shall furnish evidence to the City Clerk that a public liability insurance policy in amounts of not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for one person and three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) for any one accident, covering death or injury to persons or damage to property caused in the operation under the license, will be in force and effect at the time such circus or menagerie, or both combined, amusement rides or Wild West Show is to operate in the City of Flint, with the City of Flint as an additional named insured, and the insurance policy or certificate shall be approved by the Chief Legal Officer.
(Ord. 130, passed 5-25-1909; Ord. 1894, passed 3-21-1966)