(a)   In any commercial and manufacturing district where there are front yards of existing buildings in the same block front which are greater or less than the minimum required front yard for that district, the required front yard depth shall be modified as follows:  the front yard of any building hereafter erected or altered on a lot in such a block front which is located between existing buildings on both sides of the lot shall be as great but need not be greater than that of a line drawn between the two nearest front corners of the existing buildings on either sides. In the case where there is an existing building on one side only, the front yard of the building to be erected or altered shall be as great but need not be greater than that of the next adjoining building; provided, however, that where front yards so modified are greater than the required minimum front yard, the front yard may be further modified by lessening the front yard by one foot for each ten feet between the nearest front corners of the proposed building and the nearest adjoining building, but in no case less than the required minimum front yard and provided further where the front yards as first modified are less than the required minimum front yard, the front yard shall be further modified by increasing the front yard by one foot for each ten feet between the nearest adjoining existing building until the front yard equals the required minimum front yard.
   (b)   The Zoning Board of Appeals may, upon application filed as provided in § 50-159(a), authorize a front yard setback which is less than the front yard setback as modified by this section upon a finding that the requested front yard setback does not adversely affect the other properties in the same block front, provided the front yard setback is not less than the required minimum front yard setback. The owners of the record of any real property in the same block front shall be notified of such request in the same manner of notification as provided in § 50-159(e).
(Ord. 2503, passed 6-9-1975)