Charges for water service to each premises connected with the system shall, as set forth in this section, be effective as to all water bills rendered on or after June 1, 1986 through June 30, 1987. For all bills rendered on or after July 1, 1987, the water rates shall be as provided for in § 46-52.1.
   (a)   (1)   Where the water bills are for large commercial and industrial accounts, a readiness-to- serve charge shall apply. The charges shall be established from time to time by resolution of the City Council, kept on file by the City Clerk, and contained in Appendix A of the City Code.
      (2)   All water usage shall be charged according to the rate contained in the quantity rate schedule in Appendix A of the City Code.
   (b)   (1)   Where the customer has a remote water meter and the bills are for residential, small commercial and industrial accounts, a readiness-to- serve charge shall apply. The charges shall be established from time to time by resolution of the City Council, kept on file by the City Clerk, and contained in Appendix A of the City Code.
      (2)   All water used shall be charged according to the rate contained in the quantity charge rate schedule in Appendix A of the City Code.
   (c)   (1)   Where the customer does not have a remote reading meter and the bills are for residential, small commercial and industrial accounts, a readiness-to-serve charge shall apply. The charges shall be established from time to time by resolution of the City Council, kept on file by the City Clerk, and contained in Appendix A of the City Code.
      (2)   All water used shall be charged according to the rates contained in the quantity charge rate schedule in Appendix A of the City Code.
   (d)   (1)   Quantity charge rate schedule shall be established from time to time by resolution of the City Council, kept on file by the City Clerk, and contained in Appendix A of the City Code.
      (2)   The quantity charge portion of each bill is in addition to the readiness-to-serve and is determined by applying the quantity charge schedule to all water use.
   (e)   The City shall pay for metered water used by it at the foregoing rates. Charges against the City shall be payable in monthly installments from the current funds of the City, or from the proceeds of the taxes which the City within constitutional limitations is hereby authorized and required to levy in an amount sufficient for that purpose.
   (f)   The water fund shall pay to the general fund of the City $300,000.00 annually to compensate for municipal services provided to the Water Division. The payments shall be paid in equal monthly installments.
   (g)   The Utilities Superintendent may, at his or her discretion, assign the billings of any one group of accounts to the billing cycle he or she deems most appropriate.
   (h)   The City Treasurer or designee is hereby authorized to cancel penalties on inactive accounts. In the event that the charges for water service furnished any premises shall not be paid within 30 days after the due date thereof, the water services to the premises may be discontinued and a turn-off fee shall be charged for any discontinuation of water service. Services so discontinued shall not be restored until all sums then due and owing, including penalties, shall be paid or satisfactory arrangements to pay have been made with the City Treasurer, the Utilities Superintendent or designee. In such cases where the water services have been discontinued for nonpayment, and the bill is then paid, water service will not be restored without the prepayment of the turn-on fee. Where same-day service is requested, an additional turn-on fee must also be prepaid. The fees shall be established from time to time by resolution of the City Council, kept on file by the City Clerk, and contained in Appendix A of the City Code. Where the person responsible for water service is someone other than the property owner of record, a remote water meter must be purchased by the property owner of record and installed as a permanent part of the structure.
(Ord. 1778, passed 6-29-1964; Ord. 1877, passed 11-18-1965; Ord. 1994, passed 9-5-1967; Ord. 2483, passed 4-7-1975; Ord. 2485, passed 4-7-1975; Ord. 2552, passed 4-12-1976; Ord. 2557, passed 5-10-1976; Ord. 2567, passed 10-11-1976; Ord. 2767, passed 5-6-1980; Ord. 2915, passed 7-9-1984; Ord. 2985, passed 3-24-1986; Ord. 3003, passed 7-28-1986; Ord. 3124, passed 1-8-1990; Ord. 3242, passed 8-9-1993; Ord. 3422, passed 2-8-1999; Ord. 3630, passed 12-13-2004)