(A) Purchases of public works, supplies and services not exceeding $5,000 shall be approved by signature of the City Manager or his or her designee. When possible, every effort shall be taken to secure at least three quotations before deciding on a suggested vendor. The requesting department shall secure the quotation themselves. The City Manager may delegate purchasing authority to one or more designated subordinate city employees. The delegation of purchasing authority shall be based upon the amount of, and/or other factors relevant to, the purchase. Such delegation by the City Manager shall be made in writing and be provided for information, only, to the City Council.
(B) Procurement procedure.
(1) The City Manager, or designee, shall review the need for the purchase, review budget and expenditures to verify that appropriated funding is available.
(2) The City Manager, or designee, will follow an appropriate procurement procedure. It shall be the responsibility of the City Manager to develop, implement, maintain and monitor any other necessary procurement procedures, in addition to those required by this chapter, for all purchasing categories, in order to comply with the objectives of this chapter and all applicable state and federal laws.
(Ord. 573, passed 6-17-91; Am. Ord. 629, passed 11-1-93; Am. Ord. 827, passed 10-23-06; Am. Ord. 1001, passed 1-15-18)