General Provisions
   54.001   Purpose and policy
   54.002   Administration
   54.003   Abbreviations
   54.004   Definitions
   54.005   Providing of water and sewer service outside of city limits
General Sewer Use Requirements
   54.015   Mandatory sewer connection
   54.016   Unlawful discharge to natural outlets
   54.017   Private sewage disposal
   54.018   Building sewers and connections
   54.019   Prohibited discharge standards
   54.020   National Categorical Pretreatment Standards
   54.021   State of pretreatment standards
   54.022   Local limits
   54.023   City of Falmouth’s right of revision
   54.024   Dilution
Pretreatment of Wastewater
   54.035   Pretreatment facilities
   54.036   Additional pretreatment measures
   54.037   Accidental discharge/sludge discharge control plans
   54.038   Hauled wastewater
Individual Wastewater Discharge Permits
   54.050   Wastewater analysis
   54.051   Individual wastewater discharge permit requirement
   54.052   Individual wastewater discharge permitting: existing connections
   54.053   Individual wastewater discharge permitting: new connections
   54.054   Individual wastewater discharge permit application contents
   54.055   Application signatories and certifications
   54.056   Individual wastewater discharge permit decisions
Individual Wastewater Discharge
   54.070   Individual wastewater discharge permit duration
   54.071   Individual wastewater discharge permit contents
   54.072   Permit issuance process
   54.073   Permit modification
   54.074   Individual wastewater discharge permit transfer
   54.075   Individual wastewater discharge permit revocation
   54.076   Individual wastewater discharge permit reissuance
   54.077   Regulation of waste received from other jurisdictions
Reporting Requirements
   54.090   Baseline monitoring reports
   54.091   Compliance schedule progress reports
   54.092   Reports on compliance with categorical pretreatment standard deadline
   54.093   Periodic compliance reports
   54.094   Reports of changed conditions
   54.095   Reports of potential problems
   54.096   Reports from unpermitted users
   54.097   Notice of violation/repeat sampling and reporting
   54.098   Notification of the discharge of hazardous waste
   54.099   Analytical requirements
   54.100   Sample collection
   54.101   Date of receipt of reports
   54.102   Recordkeeping
   54.103   Certification statements
Compliance Monitoring
   54.115   Right of entry: inspection and sampling
   54.116   Search warrants
Confidential Information
   54.120   Confidential information
Publication of Users in Significant Noncompliance
   54.130   Publication of users in significant noncompliance
Administrative Enforcement Remedies
   54.140   Notification of violation
   54.141   Consent orders
   54.142   Show cause hearing
   54.143   Compliance orders
   54.144   Cease and desist orders
   54.145   Administrative fines
   54.146   Emergency suspensions
   54.147   Termination of discharge
Judicial Enforcement Remedies
   54.160   Injunctive relief
   54.161   Civil penalties
   54.162   Criminal prosecution
   54.163   Remedies nonexclusive
Supplemental Enforcement Action
   54.175   Performance bonds
   54.176   Liability insurance
   54.177   Payment of outstanding fees and penalties
   54.178   Water supply severance
   54.179   Public nuisances
Affirmative Defenses to Discharge Violations
   54.190   Upset
   54.191   Prohibited discharge standards
   54.192   Bypass
Monthly Sewer Rates
   54.195   Monthly sewer rates
Miscellaneous Provisions
   54.205   Pretreatment charges and fees
   54.206   Severability