135.01 Powers and duties.
135.02 Limitation of other powers and duties.
Charter provisions - see CHTR. Art. VII, Sec. 3
Power to regulate speed in parks - see Ohio R.C. 4511.07(E)
Park land regulations - see GEN. OFF. 541.09
Parks - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 921
Recreation facilities - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 923
The Parks and Recreation Commission established in accordance with Article VII, Section 3 of the City Charter shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) To initiate and make periodic recommendations to the Administration as to dedicated parks, other parks, parkways, playgrounds and public recreation areas, improved or unimproved, whether owned or under the control of the City, covering their nature, function, use, utilization, maintenance, beautification, control, regulation, acquisition, sale or other alienation, or their rental or lease;
(b) To provide for its own organization;
(c) To select its own chair and all other necessary officers;
(d) To adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of all business within its jurisdiction;
(e) To hold at least ten regularly scheduled meetings each year at a designated time and place, and may hold such additional meetings as may be called by the chair or upon the request of at least two members of the Commission or as provided in the Charter;
(f) To advise the Director of Recreation with respect to the planning, organizing and establishing of policies to provide, within the limitations of available funds, year-round recreation and leisure time activities and programs for the residents of all ages of the City, which promote the health, welfare, and physical and mental well-being of all residents, and provides an opportunity for wholesome utilization of leisure time, not only to accommodate present needs, but also to provide for expansion of such activities and programs to serve the future;
(g) To recommend to the Director reasonable fees and charges for participation in the various recreation and leisure time activities and programs;
(h) To act as advisors to the Board of Education, Mayor, Council and the Director with regard to the short and long-range planning and implementation of acquiring, developing, equipping, maintaining and improving existing physical park and recreation equipment, facilities and properties including playgrounds, playfields, gymnasiums, swimming pools and indoor and outdoor recreation centers;
(Ord. 89-85. Passed 4-2-90.)
(i) To assist the Director in the preparation of a proposed budget for recreation and leisure time activities and programs prior to the submission of same to the Mayor and Council. To the extent that any such budget so prepared appropriates revenues derived from any tax levied for recreation purposes or revenues derived from fees and charges imposed for participation in recreation and leisure time activities and programs, such budget may be amended, changed or modified only after review and recommendation by the Commission and, after such review and recommendation by the Commission, approval by the majority of Council. Any action or recommendation of the Commission relating to the amendment, change or modification of a proposed or adopted budget shall be jointly submitted to both the Mayor and Council.
(Ord. 91-80. Passed 8-19-91.)
(j) To assist in the coordination of all recreation and leisure time activities and programs under the auspices of the Board of Education with the Board and the City;
(k) To assist volunteer organizations and groups conducting recreation and leisure time activities and programs in the preparation and implementation of their activities and programs;
(Ord. 89-85. Passed 4-2-90.)
(l) To approve the appointment of the Director by the Mayor and to recommend to the Director and Mayor the employment or removal of persons as play leaders, supervisors, superintendents or employees for recreation purposes provided that any such recommendation shall not be considered as binding upon the Director or Mayor nor shall any such recommendation to the Director or Mayor be considered as a prerequisite to such employment or removal;
(m) To review any ordinance or resolution concerning the nature, function, use, utilization, maintenance, beautification, control, sale or other alienation, or the rental or lease in excess of one year of dedicated parks, other parks, parkways, playgrounds or public recreation areas, or any part of any such dedicated park or other public place, whether improved or unimproved, and whether owned by the City or controlled by the City, and to make a recommendation thereon; and
(Ord. 90-108. Passed 2-4-91.)
(n) To review and make recommendations regarding all ordinances and resolutions proposing changes and improvements to park and recreation facilities.
(Ord. 89-85. Passed 4-2-90.)
No provision of Section 135.01 shall be construed or interpreted to abrogate, diminish or impair the legislative powers and duties of Council or of any member thereof or the executive powers and duties of the Mayor or of the Director of Public Service and Development pertaining to and regarding park and recreation facilities and properties.
(Ord. 89-85. Passed 4-2-90.)