(a)    Membership. The Parks and Recreation Commission shall consist of five (5) members, to be appointed as herein provided:
      (1)    One (1) member shall be a member of the Board of Education of the Fairview Park City School District and shall be appointed by such Board of Education for a term of two (2) years.
      (2)    One (1) member shall be a member of the City Council and shall be appointed by such Council for a term of two (2) years.
      (3)    Three (3) members shall be qualified electors of the City not holding other office, appointment or employment in the government of the City or of the School District to be appointed by the Mayor for a term of five years. The term for the present members of the Commission shall expire on the 31st day of December of the years 1991, 1992 and 1993.
      (4)    A vacancy occurring during the term of any member shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as that member's original appointment.
      (5)    All members of the Parks and Recreation Commission shall serve without compensation. (Amended 11-6-90.)
   (b)    Duties and Powers. In addition to any powers which may be provided by ordinance of Council, and exclusive thereof, the Parks and Recreation Commission shall have these independent powers and duties: It shall be the function and duty of the Parks and Recreation Commission as to all dedicated parks, other parks, parkways, playgrounds and public recreation areas, improved or unimproved, whether owned or under the control of the City, to initiate and make periodic recommendations to the Administration as to each and all of such public places, concerning their nature, function, use, utilization, maintenance, beautification, control, regulation, acquisition, sale or other alienation, or their rental or lease.
   (c)    Mandatory Referral. No ordinance or resolution concerning the nature, function, use, utilization, maintenance, beautification, control, sale or other alienation, or the rental or lease in excess of one (1) year, of dedicated parks, other parks, parkways, playgrounds, or public recreation areas, or any part of any such dedicated park or other public place, whether improved or unimproved, and whether owned by the City or controlled by the City, as provided for in Section 15 of Article IV hereof, shall be passed, unless and until the matter shall have been submitted to the Parks and Recreation Commission for report and recommendation. Any matter so referred to the Parks and Recreation Commission shall be acted upon by it within sixty (60) days from the date of referral unless a longer time be allowed by Council; however, in certain matters not requiring referral to the electorate, where the Council has found an emergency measure is required, Council may, under the provisions of Article IV, Section 15(c) call for a meeting of said Commission within any period of time reasonable under the circumstances of the emergency and obtain prompt approval or disapproval of the proposed emergency measure. If the Parks and Recreation Commission shall fail to act within the time allotted, it shall be deemed to have approved such matter. If any provision of such ordinance or resolution is approved by formal action of the Parks and Recreation Commission, the adoption of such ordinance or resolution shall require a majority plus one affirmative vote of all members elected to Council for adoption or authorization. (Amended 5-5-70; 11-3-09.)