1137.12  SCHEDULE.
(a)    Theaters, lodge halls, auditoriums, stadiums,
   meeting rooms, social halls and other
   places of assembly:
1 per 3 seats
(b)    Dance halls, skating rinks, swimming pools:
1 per 50 sq. ft. of area used
for dancing, skating or
swimming, plus such
spaces applicable to
businesses or services
operated or provided in
conjunction with the main
(c)    Bowling alley
3 per bowling lane plus
such additional spaces
applicable to businesses
or services operated or
provided in conjunction with
the main use.
(d)    Medical and dental offices and clinics:
l per each 100 sq. ft. floor
area to 10,000 sq. ft. and
1 per each 200 sq. ft. floor
area over 10,000 sq. ft.
(e)    Hospitals:
2 per 1 bed plus 1 per
each employee.
(f)    Retail stores, banks, service establishments,
   laboratories, other office buildings:
1 space per each 150 sq. ft.
of floor area of 6,000 sq. ft.
Or less; 40 spaces plus 1
per each 200 sq. ft. of floor
area over 6,000 sq. ft.
(g)    Eating places, bars, taverns, snack bars,
   party rooms and other places serving food
   and drinks:
1 per 50 sq. ft. floor area
or 1 per 2 seats, whichever
results in the greater
(h)    Motels and hotels:
1 per room or similar
living unit plus 1 per each
employee plus such spaces
applicable to businesses or
services operated or provided
in conjunction with the
main use.
(i)    Funeral homes:
1 per 30 sq. ft. of assembly
rooms or 1 per each 3 seats
whichever results in the
greater number.
(j)    Gymnastics, gymnastics training school and
   body conditioning, vocational schools and
   other training schools of a private, technical
   or professional nature:
1 per each employee and 1
per each 3 seats or 1 per
each employee and 1 per
each 150 sq. ft. floor area
to 6,000 sq. ft. or less;
40 spaces plus 1 per each
200 sq. ft. floor area over
6,000 sq. ft., whichever
(employees plus seats or
employees plus sq. ft. floor area) results in the
greater number.
   (k)    Drive-in windows, pick-up and control stations, ticket booths and similar facilities shall provide spaces in a waiting line of not less than 120 feet on the lot occupied by the facility for each such service point. Driveways to such service and parking areas shall be located in accordance with provisions of Section 1137.15.
   (l)    For a specific building or use not scheduled above, the Planning and Design Commission shall apply the unit of measurement from the above schedule deemed to be the most similar to the proposed building or use.
      (Ord. 84-98.  Passed 6-17-85.)