The location and width of entrance and exit driveways to parking facilities shall be planned as to interfere as little as possible with the use of nearby property and with pedestrian and vehicular traffic on the adjacent streets.
   (a)    Whenever possible, the center line of the access driveways on the frontage streets shall be at least forty feet from the right-of-way line of the nearest intersecting street and be spaced not less than 120-foot intervals, measured from the center line of the driveways.
   (b)    Parking areas shall be designed so that vehicles can be driven forward into the street. Those of fifteen spaces or less shall have at least one single-lane driveway with a maximum of two single-lane or one two-lane driveway; those of sixteen spaces or more shall have at least two single-lane, or one two-lane driveway. Each entrance to, or exit from, a parking area of sixteen spaces or more shall be limited to two lanes.
   (c)    The widths of driveways, measured at the setback line, shall conform to the following schedule. At no point where adjoining a public sidewalk shall the maximum widths be exceeded.
Minimum Feet
Maximum Feet
   The angle of intersection between the driveway and street shall be between sixty degrees and ninety degrees. The radius at the edge from the apron shall be at least twelve feet, twenty feet recommended, so that a motor vehicle entering or leaving may not obstruct vehicles in other traffic lanes in the driveway or in the curb lane of the street.
(Ord. 84-98. Passed 6-17-85.)