In districts zoned Low-Rise Planned Development District, a group of three or more dwellings may be designed as clusters.
   (a)    Criteria.  The cluster concept is intended to encourage the use of free and irregular yard patterns between dwellings and without uniform relation to the street system. The layout shall be designed in order to create an orderly arrangement with the landscape and topography of the area, and shall be in scale with surrounding residential buildings. Landscape features such as walls, fences and hedges may be incorporated intone design in order to create a variety of open spaces for common and private uses in keeping with the natural topography of the land and in order to preserve existing trees.
   (b)    Standards.  The use regulations provided for in Section 1133.01 , the area regulations provided for in Section 1133.02 , the height regulations provided for in Section 1133.03 and the yard regulations provided for in Section 1133.04 shall be applicable to cluster developments except as modified herein:
      (1)    Area.  The area and width of the dwelling lots may vary, but the average area for the cluster development shall not be less than 12,000 square feet per dwelling unit including the roadway, whether public or private, which serves the development.
      (2)    Front setback.  The front setback of the individual dwelling units may vary, but in no case shall a structure be located closer than twenty feet to a roadway or required sidewalk.
         (Ord. 80-75.  Passed 3-2-81.)
   (c)    Approval Procedures.  Cluster developments shall be subject to the approval procedures set forth in this chapter and of Chapter 1149.
      (Ord. 95-70.  Passed 10-16-95.)