(a)    Front Yards. Each residential or accessory building shall have a front yard for the lot and on any interior street of less than forty feet. Parking within the required front yard shall not be permitted.
   (b)    Side and Rear Yards. Side and rear yards for any residential or accessory building shall be no less than twenty-five feet and where a Low-Rise Planned Development District borders a single-family, a two-family district or any other Zoning District with an existing residence thereon an additional five foot landscape buffer approved by the Planning and Design Commission shall be provided.
   (c)    Use of Yards.
      (1)    Required yards shall not be used for buildings, structures or recreation facilities such as tennis courts, swimming pools, parking or any type of storage.
      (2)    No use shall be permitted in side or rear yards except:
         A.   On-site open parking or drives up to fifteen feet of a lot line.
         B.   Landscaping, sidewalks, trees and open spaces as required by the Planning and Design Commission.
         C.   Underground utilities.
         D.   Swimming pools within the rear yard subject to the swimming pool regulations.
      (3)    No use shall be permitted in a front yard except:
         A.   Required ingress and egress and pedestrian walks.
         B.   Landscaping features.
         C.   One development identification sign as controlled in this chapter.
         D.   Underground utilities.
   (d)    Direct broadcast satellite receiving stations shall be located in only rear yards subject to the provisions and requirements of Section 1117.17 or on the roof of a main or accessory building subject to the provisions and requirements of Section 1133.03(d).
(Ord. 95-70. Passed 10-16-95.)