   It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to either handle or store gunpowder, giant powder, nitroglycerine, dynamite or other explosive materials within three miles of the town limits.
(Prior Code, § 9.18.010) (Ord. 168, passed - -) Penalty, see § 93.99
   (A)   Restrictions on aboveground storage in residential areas. No person shall keep or maintain in above ground storage in any residential area within the town limits, gasoline or other petroleum products having a flash point lower than gasoline in excess of a total quantity of ten gallons per family unit.
(Prior Code, § 9.20.010)
   (B)   Gasoline stored in metal containers. All such gasoline stored on private premises in aboveground storage shall be kept in metal containers and stored inside a building or other structure.
(Prior Code, § 9.20.020)
   (C)   Ten gallons allowable per household. The total quantity of ten gallons per household shall apply whether or not said gasoline is stored in one or more than one container.
(Prior Code, § 9.20.030)
   (D)   Exceptions. This prohibition shall not apply to propane or other similar product used for the purpose of heating homes.
(Prior Code, § 9.20.040)
(Ord. 200, passed - -) Penalty, see § 93.99
§ 93.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99 of this code of ordinances.
   (B)   Any person violating § 93.01 of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in the sum of not less than $50 and not more than $500, or be imprisoned in the town or county jail for a period of not to exceed 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Court.
(Prior Code, § 9.14.020)
   (C)   Any person violating § 93.02 of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in the sum of not less than $5 and not more than $100, or be imprisoned in the town or county jail for a period of not to exceed 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Court.
(Prior Code, § 9.16.010)
   (D)   Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of § 93.03 of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $300 or imprisoned not more than 90 days, or both fined and imprisoned in the discretion of the Court.
(Prior Code, § 9.18.020)
   (E)   Any person found to be violating any provision of § 93.04 of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to fine and/or confinement in accordance with the laws of the state and the town with regard to punishment for conviction of a misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 9.20.050)
(Ord. 150, passed - -; Ord. 168, passed - -; Ord. 200, passed - -; Ord. 348, passed 11-9-2022)