Right-of-Way Management
   1026.01   Definitions.
   1026.02   Purpose and scope of chapter.
   1026.03   Right-of-way permits; types of permits.
   1026.04   Application procedure; appeal.
   1026.05   Criteria for granting right-of-way permits.
   1026.06   Additional restrictions on structures and facilities in public right-of-way.
   1026.07   General conditions for right-of- way permits.
   1026.08   Additional obligations of permittees.
   1026.09   Construction standards.
   1026.10   City use of facilities or structures.
   1026.11   Adoption of additional procedures to implement chapter.
   1026.12   Indemnity; insurance.
   1026.13   Abandonment of facilities.
   1026.14   Revocation.
   1026.15   Reservation of rights.
   1026.16   Temporary movement of facilities.
   1026.17   Foreclosure and receivership.
   1026.18   Non-enforcement and waivers by city.
   1026.19   Use of City-owned structures and facilities for wireless services.
   1026.20   Wireless facility design guidelines.
   1026.21   Captions.
   1026.99   Penalty.
      Public improvements - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1020
      Excavations - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1024
      Curb cuts - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1028