(a)   The area or parcel of land for a use permitted by right in Schedule 1250.02 shall be not less than required to provide a site adequate for the principal and accessory buildings, off-street parking and other accessory uses, and yard, setback, and open spaces to accommodate the facility and maintain the character of the neighborhood. The land area for a Conditional Use pursuant to Schedule 1250.02 is established in Chapter 1287.
   (b)   Minimum open space within all M Districts shall not be less than indicated in Schedule 1250.03. Required open space shall meet the conditions in Section 1296.09, and may be met by either Type A or Type B open space types.
Schedule 1250.03
Minimum open space requirements for all M Districts
Type A Open Space
Type B Open Space
30% Site Area Gross
1 s.f. of open space per 10 s.f. of building footprint
30% Site Area Gross
1 s.f. of open space per 10 s.f. of building footprint
30% Site Area Gross
1 s.f. of open space per 10 s.f. of building footprint
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2017-061. Passed 11-20-17.)