1226.01 Requirements.
Plat and contents - see Ohio R.C. 711.01 et seq.
Approval of final plats - see P. & Z. 1222.02
Zoning Inspector to check plat - see P. & Z. 1222.03
Minimum setback or building lines to be shown on plat - see P. & Z. 1228.05
Minimum private restrictions on final plat - see P. & Z. 1228.14
Fees for review of plat by Planning Commission - see P. & Z. 1230.12
Final site plan for Planned Multiple Dwelling Residential Development - see P. & Z. 1270.04
(a) Before final approval of a subdivision by the Planning Commission, a plat must be presented. Such a plat shall meet the following requirements and contain the following information:
(1) It shall be in ink on quality tracing material, with a twenty-four (24) by eighteen (18)-inch sheet size or multiples thereof consistent with the sizes and scales acceptable to the Summit County Recorder and drawn to a scale not smaller than one (1)-inch equals one hundred (100) feet. If the plat consists of more than one (1) sheet, a small-scale plot plan delineating the sheet arrangement and the streets shall appear on the first sheet of the plat.
(2) It shall include the allotment name, the allotter's name and the name and address of the surveyor, who shall be registered as such by the State; the State, City, County, township, section, tract, lot, political subdivision or other appropriate land identification; the scale and the north point.
(3) The heaviest weight line on the map shall be the subdivision boundary. The boundary must be to accurate scale, based on a field survey, and the traverse must show angles to one (1) second and lineal measurements to feet and hundredths.
(4) The names of all adjoining allotments and the book and page where they are recorded shall be shown and the names of owners and deed information of adjacent land if such land is unallotted.
(5) The length of tangents, radii, arcs, chords, chord bearings and central angles for all centerline curves on streets shall be given. Dimensions shall be in feet and hundredths and angles shall be shown to one (1) second.
(6) Tangents, chord, chord bearings, arc, radius and central angle at all block (street) corners shall be given.
(7) Chord lengths, chord bearings, arcs, central angles, radii and tangents shall be given for each lot fronting on a curve.
(8) Railroad, utility or other rights-of-way which are encumbrances or easements across or adjacent to the proposed allotment shall be shown.
(9) The location, names and widths of streets shall be shown, including dedicated but not opened streets or existing private streets, all with widths, if in or adjacent to the allotment.
(10) A number for each lot, the dimensions of each property line, indicated by bearing and distance, shall be given.
(11) Drainage ditches, creeks and rivers shall be shown.
(12) Private restrictions shall be noted.
(13) Certifications as follows, with witnesses where appropriate:
A. Registered Surveyor's Certificate;
B. Certification by the owner or owners of the land, showing that he or they has (have) adopted the plat together with the dedication of public places, street widening, etc.
C. The owner's witnesses and notarization;
D. A release by the mortgage holder, if any, duly witnessed and notarized. This may be a separate document;
E. The approval of the Planning Commission;
F. The acceptance of Council, if the allotment is within the corporate limits;
G. The approval of the County planning agency, if the allotment is outside of the corporate limits;
H. The Township Trustees' approval of streets, if the allotment is outside of the corporate limits;
I. Spaces suitably labeled for the Auditor's and Recorder's certification shall be provided.
(14) Designation by distinct symbols of monuments found, monuments set and monuments to be set shall be made.
(15) Existing easements or those given in connection with the subdivision for sewers, storm drainage, public utilities or for other purposes shall be shown with suitable dimensions and designations of use, terms, ownership, etc.
(16) Noncontiguous land shall not be included in one (1) plat.
(Ord. 1960-7. Passed 12-5-60; Ord. 2001-005. Passed 3-5-01; Ord. 2007-002. Passed 4-2-07; Ord. 2020-021A. Passed 6-15- 20.)