15.04.010 Adoption of construction codes
15.04.015 Definitions
15.04.020 Automatic fire sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, smoke alarms
15.04.025 Plan check fees
15.04.030 Roof coverings
15.04.035 Barriers for swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs
15.04.040 Septic systems
15.04.045 Correcting past violations
15.04.050 Fee adjustments
15.04.055 Alternative power supplies
15.04.060 Applicability of 2021 Wildland Urban Interface Code
15.04.065 Electric vehicle charging stations
15.04.070 Green building requirements
15.04.075 Requirements for additions and alterations; local amendments to 2022 California Energy Code
15.04.080 Requirements for electric vehicle infrastructure; local amendments to 2022 CALGreen California Green Building Standards Code
15.04.085 Standards for compliance
15.04.090 Incentives for compliance
15.04.095 Administrative procedures
15.04.100 Exemptions
(A) The following parts of Title 24, California Code of Regulations are adopted by reference as construction codes for the Town of Fairfax, subject to the modifications included later in this Chapter 15.04:
(1) 2022 edition of the California Administrative Code (Title 24 Part 1);
(2) 2022 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24 Part 2) based upon the 2021 International Building Code (IBC), including:
(a) Division II of Chapter 1, but not Section 113;
(b) Appendix Chapter A, Employee Qualifications;
(c) Appendix Chapter G, Flood-Resistant Construction;
(d) Appendix Chapter H, Signs;
(e) Appendix Chapter I, Patio Covers; and
(f) Appendix Chapter J, Grading.
(3) 2022 edition of the California Residential Code (Title 24 Part 2.5) based on the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC) including:
(a) Division II of Chapter 1, but not Section 112;
(b) Appendix Chapter V Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs,;
(c) Appendix Chapter H Patio Covers; and
(d) Appendix Chapter J Existing Buildings and Structures; and
(e) Appendix Q (Tiny Houses).
(4) 2022 edition of the California Electrical Code (Title 24 Part 3) based upon the 2020 National Electrical Code (NEC), including:
(a) Article 89, but not Section 89.108.8.
(5) 2022 edition of the California Mechanical Code (Title 24 Part 4) based upon the 2021 Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC), including:
(a) Division II of Chapter 1, but not Section 107.0, 107.1, 107.2.
(6) 2022 edition of the California Plumbing Code (Title 24 Part 5) based upon the 2021 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), including:
(a) Division II of Chapter 1, but not Section 107.0 or 107.1, 107.2.
(7) 2022 edition of the California Energy Code (Title 24 Part 6);
(8) 2022 edition of the California Historical Building Code (Title 24 Part 8);
(9) 2022 edition of the California Existing Building Code (Title 24 Part 10) based upon the 2018 International Existing Building Code (IEBC) including:
(a) Appendix Chapter A1 Seismic Strengthening Provisions For Unreinforced Masonry Bearing wall Buildings;
(b) Appendix Chapter A3 Prescriptive Provisions For Seismic Strengthening Of Cripple Walls And Sill Plate Anchorage Of Light, Wood-Framed Residential Buildings; and
(c) Appendix Chapter A4 Earthquake Risk Reduction In Wood-Frame Residential Buildings With Soft, Weak Or Open Front Walls.
(10) 2022 edition of the California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) (Title 24 Part 11), including:
(a) Appendix A4 and Appendix A5 Tier 1 measures, but excluding Appendix A4.2 and A5.2 (Energy Efficiency). The Tier 1 measures shall be mandatory for commercial and residential construction, and verification of such compliance shall be provided by the installer or designer.
(11) 2022 edition of the California Referenced Standards Code (Title 24 Part 12).
(12) 2021 edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, to the extent the same is not inconsistent with the California Buildings Standards Code (California Code of Regulations, Title 12, Parts 1-Part 12), as adopted and amended herein.
(B) A copy of each of these documents is maintained in the office of the Building Official, and reference is made to them with like effect as if all the provisions and printed matter therein were herein set forth in full.
(Ord. 872, passed 12-7-2022; Am. Ord. 885, passed 11-1-2023)
Section 202 of the 2022 California Building Code and Section R202 of the 2022 California Residential Code are both hereby amended to add the definitions of substantial remodel and second unit as follows:
"Substantial Remodel" shall mean the renovation of any structure, which combined with any additions to the structure, affects a floor area which exceeds fifty percent of the existing floor area of the structure within any twelve-month period. When any changes are made in the building, such as walls, columns, beams or girders, floor or ceiling joists and coverings, roof rafters, roof diaphragms, piles or retaining walls or similar components, the floor area of all rooms affected by such changes shall be included in computing floor areas for the purposes of applying this definition. This definition does not apply to the replacement and upgrading of residential roof coverings, repair or replacement of foundations, the installation of energy efficient windows of like size, or the removal of interior wall coverings solely for the installation of insulation.
"Second Unit" shall mean a completely separate housekeeping unit with kitchen, sleeping and bathroom facilities which is a part of, an extension to, or a separate structure on a site developed with a single-family residence, in excess of the maximum density designated by the zoning district in which the property is situated or as prescribed thereby.
(Ord. 872, passed 12-7-2022)
Section 701A.1 of Chapter 7A of the 2022 California Building Code (Title 24, Part 2, Volume 1), and Section R337.1.1 of the 2022 California Residential Code (Title 24, Part 2.5, California Code of Regulations) are hereby amended to read as follows:
701A.1/R337.1.1 Scope. This chapter applies to building materials, systems, and/or assemblies used in the exterior design and construction of new buildings, additions, repairs, and exterior alterations located within a Wildland Urban Interface Fire Area as defined in section 702A and R337.2.
Section 701A.3 of Chapter 7A of the 2022 California Building Code (Title 24, Part 2, Volume 1), and Section R337.1.3 of the 2022 California Residential Code (Title 24, Part 2.5, California Code of Regulations) are hereby amended to read as follows:
701A.3/R337.1.3 Application. New buildings, additions, repairs, and exterior alterations to buildings located in any Fire Hazard Severity Zone or any Wildland Urban Interface Fire Area designated by the enforcing agency constructed after the application date shall comply with the provisions of this chapter.
1. Buildings of an accessory character and not exceeding 120 square feet in floor area, when located at least 30 feet from an applicable building.
2. Buildings of an accessory character classified as a Group U occupancy of any size located at least 50 feet from an applicable building.
3. Buildings classified as a Group U Agricultural Building, as defined in Section 202 and R202 of this code (see also Appendix C - Group U Agricultural Buildings), when located at least 50 feet from an applicable building.
Section 707A.3.2 is hereby added to Chapter 7A of the 2022 California Building Code (Title 24, Part 2, Volume 1), which shall read as follows:
707A.3.2. When more than fifty percent (50%) of exterior wall coverings of an existing structure are repaired or replaced within a thirty-six (36) month period, the entire exterior wall coverings shall comply with Section 707A.3.
Section R337.7.3.2 is hereby added to the 2022 California Residential Code (Title 24, Part 2.5), which shall read as follows:
R337.7.3.2. When more than fifty percent (50%) of exterior wall coverings of an existing structure are repaired or replaced within a thirty-six (36) month period, the entire exterior wall coverings shall comply with Section 707A.3.
Section 903.2 of the California Building Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
903.2 Where Required. All Occupancies and Facilities. Approved automatic sprinkler systems in new buildings and structures shall be provided in the locations described in Sections 903.2.1 through 903.2.12 and Sections 903.2.14 through 903.2.21. Additionally, an automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed in all of the following:
1. Every newly constructed building and facility.
a. Free standing Group U Occupancies not more than 1,000 square feet and provided with exterior wall and opening protection as per Table 602 of the Building Code.
b. Agricultural buildings as defined in Appendix C of the Building Code and not exceeding 2,000 square feet, having clear unobstructed side yard of combustible materials, exceeding 60 feet in all directions and not exceeding 25 feet in height.
2. In newly created second units.
a. Parcels that are not within the Wildland Urban Interface, as established by the Town.
b. Parcels for which there is less than a thirty percent (30%) grade change between the subject parcel and Sir Francis Drake Boulevard as illustrated in the "Map of Parcels Qualifying for Exceptions to Sprinkler System Requirements for Newly Created Second Units" or as hereafter designated by resolution of the Town of Fairfax.
c. Junior second units.
d. For an accessory dwelling unit, as defined by Government Code Section 65852.2(i)(4), if fire sprinklers are not required for the primary residence. This exception is intended to comply with Government Code Section 65852.2(c).
3. In all buildings which have more than fifty percent (50%) floor area added or any "substantial remodel" as defined in this code, within any 12 month period. Exceptions may be granted by the Fire Code Official when alternate means of protection are installed as approved by the Fire Code Official.
4. In all buildings except R-3 occupancies, in excess of 3,000 sq. ft. which have more than ten per cent (10%) floor area added within any 12 month period. Exceptions may be granted by the Chief when alternate means of protection are installed as approved by the Fire Code Official.
5. A change in the use of a structure that results in a higher fire or life safety exposure when the square footage of the area changing use is more than 50% of the square footage of the building.
Section R313.1 and R313.2 of the California Residential Code each amended to read as follows:
R313.1/R313.2 Where Required. An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed in all of the following:
1. Every newly constructed building and facility.
a. Free standing Group U Occupancies not more than 1,000 square feet and provided with exterior wall and opening protection as per Table 602 of the Building Code.
b. Agricultural buildings as defined in Appendix C of the Building Code and not exceeding 2,000 square feet, having clear unobstructed side yard of combustible materials, exceeding 60 feet in all directions and not exceeding 25 feet in height.
2. In newly created second units.
a. Parcels that are not within the Wildland Urban Interface, as established by the Town.
b. Parcels for which there is less than a thirty percent (30%) grade change between the subject parcel and Sir Francis Drake Boulevard as shown on the "Map of Parcels Qualifying for Exceptions to Sprinkler System Requirements for Newly Created Second Units" or as hereafter designated by resolution of the Town of Fairfax.
c. Junior second units.
d. For an accessory dwelling unit, as defined by Government Code Section 65852.2(i)(4), if fire sprinklers are not required for the primary residence. This exception is intended to comply with Government Code Section 65852.2(c).
3. In all buildings which have more than fifty percent (50%) floor area added or any "substantial remodel" as defined in this code, within any 12 month period. Exceptions may be granted by the Fire Code Official when alternate means of protection are installed as approved by the Fire Code Official.
4. In all buildings except R-3 occupancies, in excess of 3,000 sq. ft. which have more than ten per cent (10%) floor area added within any 12 month period. Exceptions may be granted by the Chief when alternate means of protection are installed as approved by the Fire Code Official.
5. A change in the use of a structure that results in a higher fire or life safety exposure when the square footage of the area changing use is more than 50% of the square footage of the building.
Section 903.3 of the California Building Code and Sections R313.1.1 and R313.2.1 of the California Residential Code are each hereby amended by adding the following language to the end of each respective section:
The requirements for fire sprinklers in this code section are not meant to disallow the provisions for area increase, height increase, or Fire-Resistive substitution if otherwise allowed by sections 504 and 506 of the Building Code. All automatic fire sprinkler systems shall be installed in accordance with the written standards of the Fire Code Official and the following:
a. In all residential buildings required to be sprinkled any attached garages shall be sprinkled, and except for one and two family dwellings, in all residential occupancies the attics shall be sprinkled.
b. In all existing buildings, where fire sprinklers are required by provisions of this code, they shall be extended into all unprotected areas of the building.
c. All single family dwellings in excess of 5,000 square feet shall have automatic fire sprinkler systems designed in accordance with NFPA Standard 13 or 13R and standards developed by the Chief.
d. All public storage facilities shall have installed an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. An approved wire mesh or other approved physical barrier shall be installed 18 inches below the sprinkler head deflector to prevent storage from being placed to within 18 inches from the bottom of the deflector measured at a horizontal plane.
Section 906.11 is hereby added to the California Building Code as follows:
906.11 Fire Extinguisher Documentation. The owner and/or operator of every Group R Division 1 and R Division 2 occupancies shall annually provide the Chief written documentation that fire extinguishers are installed and have been serviced as required by Title 19 California Code of Regulations when such extinguishers are installed in residential units in lieu of common areas.
Section 907.2 of the California Building Code is amended to add the following paragraphs after the second paragraph and before the Exceptions:
New Construction: Every new building constructed for non-residential occupancies greater than 2000 square feet shall have installed therein an approved fire detection (products of combustion) system in accordance with the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association. The type of system installed shall be determined by the Fire Chief.
Existing Construction: Every existing building remodeled for non-residential occupancies greater than 2000 square feet shall have installed therein an approved fire detection (products of combustion) system in accordance with the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association. The type of system installed shall be determined by the Fire Chief.
Section 907.2.11 is hereby amended by changing the first sentence of the exception to read as follows:
EXCEPTION: For group R occupancies other than single family dwellings.
Section 907.8.1 is hereby added as follows:
Section 907.8.1 Smoke Alarm Documentation. The owner and/or operator of every Group R Division 1, Division 2, Division 3.1, and Division 4 Occupancies shall annually provide the Fire Code Official with written documentation that the smoke alarms installed pursuant to the Building Code have been tested and are operational. If alarms are found to be inoperable or are missing, such alarms shall be repaired or replaced immediately.
(Ord. 872, passed 12-7-2022)