The Town of Fairfax Green Building Requirements define compliance thresholds for different projects that are covered by this chapter. These standards are summarized below in Table 1. The energy efficiency and electrification measures menu and specifications are detailed in Tables 2 and 3.
Table 1: Requirements by Project Type and Size
Project Type and Size
Green Building Requirements
Energy Efficiency Requirements
Electric Vehicle Requirements
Table 1: Requirements by Project Type and Size
Project Type and Size
Green Building Requirements
Energy Efficiency Requirements
Electric Vehicle Requirements
Single and Two-Family Newly Constructed or New Construction
All-electric design
CALGreen Tier 1
Meet the standards outlined for the project in the 2022 California Energy Code
Comply with CALGreen Measure A4.106.8.1, Tier 1
Multifamily Residential
Newly Constructed or New Construction
Of the total parking spaces,
(i) 15% Level 2 (L2) EVCS
(ii) 85% Low-Power Level 2 (LPL2) EV Ready
Newly Constructed or New Construction
All-electric design
CALGreen Tier 1
Meet the standards outlined for the project in the 2022 California Energy Code
For Nonresidential: comply with CALGreen Measure A5., Tier 1;
For Nonresidential Grocery, Retail, or Warehouses planning off-street medium-heavy-duty loading spaces: comply with CALGreen Measure
Single and Two-Family Additions and Alterations less than 200 square feet
CALGreen Mandatory
Meet the standards outlined for the project in the 2022 California Energy Code
If the project is upgrading the main electrical service panel, comply with CALGreen Measure A4.106.8.1,
Tier 1
Single and Two-Family Additions and Alterations 200 square feet or greater
CALGreen Tier 1
Using the Measure Menu in Table 2, achieve a total score that is equal to or greater than the Target Score for the applicable climate zone and install the electric readiness measures (ER2) as applicable in Table 3
Multifamily Residential
Additions and Alterations less than 200 square feet
CALGreen Mandatory
Meet the standards outlined for the project in the 2022 California Energy Code
If the service panel is modified, add designated electrical capacity for 20% of onsite parking spaces to be Level 2 EV Ready.
If parking lot surface is modified (paving material and curbing removed):
(i) add raceway to a minimum of 25% of exposed parking spaces, AND
(ii) install at minimum 5% EVCS to parking spaces requiring any combination of Level 2 and Direct Current Fast Charging EVSE, except at least one Level 2 EVSE shall be provided.
Where existing electrical service will not be upgraded in the existing project scope, designate capacity for parking spaces to the maximum extent that does not require an upgrade to existing electrical service.
Multifamily Residential
Additions and Alterations 200 square feet or greater
CALGreen Tier 1
Additions and Alterations
The following conditions also apply to Table 1:
(a)   Cumulative new construction or remodels during the preceding 36-month period from the acceptance of this application shall be considered as a single covered project, and subject to the highest compliance threshold based on the cumulative project size or valuation.
(b)   Mixed use (residential and commercial) projects must comply either with the applicable covered project requirements for the respective residential and commercial portions of the project or may propose to utilize a mixed-use rating system, subject to approval by the chief building official.
Table 2: Energy and Electrification Menu of Measures by Climate Zone
Table 2: Energy and Electrification Menu of Measures by Climate Zone
Climate Zone
1) Choose your Climate Zone using CEC toolfinder1
Spec. ID (Refer to Table 3)
Target Score
2) Minimum Target Score needed to comply
(1 point = 1MMBTU savings per yr.)
3) Choose a measure or a combination of measures that adds up to the minimum target score above based on CZ. Measures listed as "Mandatory" MUST be installed.
4) Use the Specification Number (Spec. ID) column as a key and conform to the specifications in Table 3 below. Table 3 describes, specifies, and details compliance with each corresponding measure.
Water Heating Package
Air Sealing
R-49 Attic Insulation
Duct Sealing
New Ducts + Duct Sealing
PV + Electric Ready Pre-Wire
Electric Readiness Measures
(if remodeling kitchen, laundry, or upgrading panel)
High Eff HPWH
HVAC Heat Pump
High Eff HVAC Heat Pump
Heat Pump Clothes Dryer
Induction Cooktop
1California Energy Commission climate zone tool finder at https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/programs/building-energy-efficiency-standards/climate-z one-tool-maps-and
The following conditions also apply to Table 2:
(a)   Unless otherwise specified, the requirements shall apply to the entire dwelling unit, not just the additional or altered portion.
(b)   Measures from the Measure Menu in Table 2 and specified in Table 3, that already exist in the home, may be counted towards compliance with these requirements, unless otherwise specified in Table 3.
(c)   Measures from the Measure Menu in Table 2 that are to be installed to satisfy requirements under the State Energy Code, Title 24, Part 6, may also be counted towards compliance with these requirements. Where these requirements conflict with other Energy Code requirements, the stricter requirements shall prevail.
(Ord. 872, passed 12-7-2022)
Table 3. List of Measure Specifications
Measure Specification
Table 3. List of Measure Specifications
Measure Specification
Energy Measures
Lighting Measures - Replace all interior and exterior screw-in incandescent, halogen, and compact fluorescent lamps with LED lamps. Install photocell controls on all exterior lighting luminaires.
Water Heating Package: Add exterior insulation meeting a minimum of R-6 to existing storage water heaters. Insulate all accessible hot water pipes with pipe insulation a minimum of ¾ inch thick. This includes insulating the supply pipe leaving the water heater, piping to faucets underneath sinks, and accessible pipes in attic spaces or crawlspaces. Upgrade fittings in sinks and showers to meet current California Green Building Standards Code (Title 24, Part 11) Section 4.303 water efficiency requirements.
   Exception 1:   Water heater blanket is not required on water heaters less than 20 gallons.
   Exception 2:   Water heater blanket not required if application of a water heater blanket voids the warranty on the water heater.
   Exception 3:   Upgraded fixtures are not required if existing fixtures have rated or measured flow rates of no more than ten percent greater than 2022 California Green Building Standards Code (Title 24, Part 11) Section 4.303 water efficiency requirements.
   Exception 4:   Water heaters with factory installed insulation of R-24 or greater
Air Sealing: Seal all accessible cracks, holes, and gaps in the building envelope at walls, floors, and ceilings. Pay special attention to penetrations including plumbing, electrical, and mechanical vents, recessed can light luminaires, and windows. Weather-strip doors if not already present. Verification shall be conducted following a prescriptive checklist that outlines which building aspects need to be addressed by the permit applicant and verified by an inspector. Compliance can also be demonstrated with blower door testing conducted by a certified HERS Rater no more than three years prior to the permit application date that either: a) shows at least a 30 percent reduction from pre-retrofit conditions; or b) shows that the number of air changes per hour at 50 Pascals pressure difference (ACH50) does not exceed ten. If combustion appliances are located within the pressure boundary of the building, conduct a combustion safety test by a professional certified by the Building Performance Institute in accordance with the ANSI/BPI-1200-S-2017 Standard Practice for Basic Analysis of Buildings1, the Whole House Combustion Appliance Safety Test Procedure for the Comfortable Home Rebates Program 2020 or the California Community Services and Development Combustion Appliance Safety Testing Protocol.
R-49 Attic Insulation: Attic insulation shall be installed to achieve a weighted assembly U-factor of 0.020 or insulation installed at the ceiling level shall have a thermal resistance of R-49 or greater for the insulation alone. Recessed downlight luminaires in the ceiling shall be covered with insulation to the same depth as the rest of the ceiling. Luminaires not rated for insulation contact must be replaced or fitted with a fire-proof cover that allows for insulation to be installed directly over the cover.
   Exception:   In buildings where existing R-30 is present and existing recessed downlight luminaires are not rated for insulation contact, insulation is not required to be installed over the luminaires.
Duct Sealing: Air seal all space conditioning ductwork to meet the requirements of the 2022 Title 24 Section 150.2(b)1E. The duct system must be tested by a HERS Rater no more than three years prior to the Covered Single Family Project permit application date to verify the duct sealing and confirm that the requirements have been met. This measure may not be combined with the New Ducts and Duct Sealing measure in this Table.
New Ducts + Duct Sealing: Replace existing space conditioning ductwork with new R-8 ducts that meet the requirements of 2022 Title 24 Section 150.0(m)11. This measure may not be combined with the Duct Sealing measure in this Table. To qualify, a preexisting measure must have been installed no more than three years before the Covered Single Family Project permit application date.
Windows: Replace all existing windows with high performance windows with an area-weighted average U-factor no greater than 0.32.
R-13 Wall Insulation: Install wall insulation in all exterior walls to achieve a weighted U-factor of 0.102 or install wall insulation in all exterior wall cavities that shall result in an installed thermal resistance of R-13 or greater for the insulation alone.
Fuel Substitution Measures
Heat Pump Water Heater (HPWH): Replace all existing electric resistance and natural gas storage water heaters with heat pump water heaters.
High Efficiency Heat Pump Water Heater (HPWH): Replace all existing electric resistance and natural gas storage water heaters with heat pump water heaters with a Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) Tier 3 or higher rating.
HVAC Heat Pump: Replace all existing gas space heating system and existing electric resistance heating systems with electric heat pump systems.
High Efficiency HVAC Heat Pump: Replace all existing gas space heating system and existing electric resistance heating systems with electric heat pump systems with a SEER rating of 21 or greater and an HSPF rating of 11 or greater.
Heat Pump Clothes Dryer: Replace all existing electric resistance clothes dryers with heat pump dryers with no resistance element and cap the gas lines.
Induction Cooktop: Replace all existing gas and electric resistance stove tops with inductive stove tops and cap the gas lines.
Solar PV and Electric-Readiness Measures
PV+ Electric Ready Pre-Wire:
For New PV Systems: Install a new solar PV system that meets the requirements of 2022 Title 24 Section 150.1(c)14 and upgrade the service panel to meet the requirements of ER2.G. and install any two of the other measures from ER2.A - ER2.F.
For Existing PV Systems: If the home already has an existing PV system, to claim credit for this measure, ER1, upgrade the service panel to meet the requirements of ER2.G. and install any two of the other measures from ER2.A - ER2.F.
Electric Readiness Measures:
To claim credit for Item ER1, in addition to the solar PV system installed, upgrade the panelboard to meet the requirements of Item ER2.G and install any two of the other measures ER2.A - ER2.F, below to allow for installation of electric appliances at a future date.
For any Covered Project, if the service panel is being upgraded, install any two of the other measures below.
If the laundry room is being remodeled, comply with Item ER2.D and upgrade the panelboard to meet the requirements of Item ER2.G.
If the kitchen is being remodeled, comply with Item ER2.C and upgrade the service panel to meet the requirements of Item ER2.G.
   A.   Heat Pump Water Heater Ready, as specified in Section 150.0(n)1.
   B.   Heat Pump Space Heater Ready, as specified in Section 150.0(t).
   C.   Electric Cooktop Ready, as specified in Section 150.0(u).
   D.   Electric Clothes Dryer Ready, as specified in Section 150.0(v).
   E.   Energy Storage Systems (ESS) Ready, as specified in Section 150.0(s).
   F.   EV Charger Ready. Install a listed raceway for an EV charger, that meets the requirements of the California Green Building Standards Code (Title 24, Part 11) Section A4.106.8.1, Tier 1 and 2, which otherwise applies to new construction.
   G.   Upgrade the panelboard serving the individual dwelling to either:
      (i)   a minimum 200 amp panel with a minimum 225 amp busbar rating to accommodate future connection of electric appliances, including heat pump water heaters, heat pump space heaters, electric cooktops, electric clothes dryers as specified in California Energy Code Section 150.0 (n), (t), (u) and (v) and Level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment; or,
      (ii)   provide electrical load calculations and appliance specifications for serving all of these end-uses with a minimum 100-amp panel.
         Exception: If an electrical permit is not otherwise required for the project other than compliance with this Item, ER2.
(Ord. 872, passed 12-7-2022)