2.28.010 Establishment
2.28.020 Powers and duties
2.28.030 Composition; appointment of members
2.28.040 Terms of office; filling of vacancies
2.28.050 Removal of members
2.28.060 Residency requirements
2.28.070 Compensation
2.28.080 Quorum
2.28.090 Meetings; generally
2.28.100 Special meetings
2.28.110 Records of proceedings
2.28.120 Chairperson
2.28.130 Expenses
The Planning Commission shall perform all of the duties and obligations required of it by the laws of the State of California and the provisions of this code, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to it by the Town Council.
(Prior Code, § 2.24.020) (Ord. 575, passed - -1988)