(a) There shall be no sight obstruction created or maintained at the intersection of a driveway and a street right-of-way line. A sight obstruction is defined as any tree, shrub, group of shrubs, hedge, fence, decorative or landscaping feature or similar item which obstructs the sight of pedestrians or motorists at the intersection in all the following ways:
(1) By being located closer than eight feet to the driveway and right-of-way intersection.
(2) By obscuring more than sixty percent (60%) of the line of sight through the object.
(3) By occupying a height of more than thirty inches and less than eight feet above the adjoining grade.
(b) Each day's violation of this section constitutes a separate offense.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 34-96. Passed 7-1-96.)
(a) No person shall construct, maintain or permit to remain any fence, wall, sign or other structure, or any bush, shrub, tree or other plant, or park any motor vehicle, on private property within fifty feet of the intersection of any street edge of pavement lines projected, or when in the opinion of the City Engineer a vehicular sight obstruction exists, which obstructs the vision of the intersection, at a height of more than three feet above the street grade nearest thereto.
(b) Each day’s violation of this section constitutes a separate offense.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 22-20. Passed 8-6-20.)
(a) No person, firm or corporation, or any officer or agent thereof, shall place or cause to be deposited or placed, mud or similarly objectionable matter upon the City streets, whether done intentionally or otherwise.
(b) In the event that any mud or other objectionable matter is deposited or placed or caused to be deposited or placed, unintentionally upon the City streets, it shall be removed or caused to be removed within a reasonable time. In the event that such material is not removed on the same day it is deposited or placed on the streets, it shall be prima-facie evidence of a violation of this section.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 11-98. Passed 3-2-98.)
(a) For all present and future developments of property, when mud or similarly objectionable matter is deposited or placed on the City streets by any person or group of persons, firm or corporation employed by the property owner or by his contractor or subcontractor in connection with the development of the property, the violation shall be attributable to the owner as well as the person depositing such matter. It shall be incumbent upon the owner, as well as the person depositing such matter, to remove or cause the same to be removed as provided in Section 521.14. The intent and purpose of this section is to place upon the owner of property in the City, a duty to control that property and any persons employed in connection therewith so as not to allow mud or any other similarly objectionable matter from that property to be deposited on the streets in the City.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 11-98. Passed 3-2-98.)
(a) Upon the violation of the provisions of Section 521.14 or 521.15, in addition to any other fines or penalties imposed or provided for by law, any permits issued by the City for construction of any buildings on any plat or development may be revoked until such objectionable material is removed from the streets of the City. No further work or construction of any kind shall be done or performed thereon until the building permit is reinstated.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 11-98. Passed 3-2-98.)
(a) The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to declare a water emergency at any time when there is insufficient water or inadequate water supply or pressure to provide safe and adequate water within the City. Examples of situations which create such an emergency include, but are not limited to the following:
(1) A water main break.
(2) Any physical or mechanical failure at the Water Treatment Plant
(3) Dry or drought conditions
(4) Restrictions of water supply by state or federal authorities.
(5) Natural disaster
(b) During a water emergency, nonessential uses of water including, but not limited to, the following may be restricted or prohibited:
(1) The sprinkling, watering or irrigation of shrubbery, trees, lawns, grass, ground covers, plants, vines, vegetables, flowers or any other vegetation;
(2) The washing of automobiles, trucks, trailers, boats or any other kind of motor vehicle or mobile equipment;
(3) The washing of sidewalks, driveways, porches and building exteriors;
(4) The filling of swimming or wading pools.
(c) Upon declaration of and during the existence of a water emergency, the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to determine which nonessential uses of water shall be restricted or prohibited. Such declaration shall be made public by publication therein in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, by posting notice at the Government Center and by giving notice to the local media. The City Manager is authorized to direct to establish rules and regulations regarding prohibited water usage, water restrictions, and for the reduction or termination of water service during any declared water emergency.
(d) No domestic or commercial user or any other person shall fail to comply with the orders of the City Manager issued pursuant to this section.
(e) Any person, firm, or corporation violating any provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of a second degree misdemeanor. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. (Ord. 30-07. Passed 8-20-07.)