(a)   In seeking to subdivide land into building lots, or to dedicate streets, alleys or land for public use, or to subdivide land into building lots, together with the dedication or reservation of public or private streets respectively, the owner shall submit five black and white copies of a preliminary sketch plan to the Planning Commission before submission of the final plan.
   Plats containing three lots or less may be exempted from the provisions of this section. The preliminary plan shall show:
      (1)   The location of present property lines, streets, buildings, watercourses, tree masses and other existing features within the area to be subdivided and similar facts regarding existing conditions on land immediately adjacent thereto;
      (2)   The proposed location and width of streets, alleys, lots, building lines and easements;
      (3)   Existing sewers, water mains, culverts and other underground structures within the tract or immediately adjacent thereto. The location and size of the nearest water main and sewer or outlet are to be indicated in a general way upon the plat.
      (4)   The title under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded and the name of the subdivider;
      (5)   The names and adjoining boundaries of all adjoining subdivisions and the names of record owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land;
      (6)   Contours with intervals of five feet or less;
      (7)   The northpoint, scale and date;
      (8)   The zoning district or districts that affect the property to be subdivided; and
      (9)   Grades and profiles of streets and plans or written and signed statements regarding the grades of proposed streets; the width and type of pavement; the location, size and type of sanitary sewers, or other sewage disposal facilities, water mains and hydrants and other utilities; storm water drainage facilities and other proposed improvements, such as sidewalks, planting and parks.
   Preliminary plans not containing all of the above data will not be approved. Preliminary plans must be approved by the Commission and by Council in accordance with Section 1222.02.
   Approval of the preliminary plan does not constitute an acceptance of the subdivision by the Village. One copy of the approved preliminary plan, signed by the Chairman of the Commission and the Mayor, shall be retained in the office of the Village Clerk. One signed copy shall be given to the subdivider.
   Receipt of this signed copy is authorization for the subdivider to proceed with the preparation of plans and specifications for the minimum improvements required in Section 1222.12, and with the preparation of the final plat. Prior to the construction of any improvements required in Section 1222.12, or to the submission of any bond, the subdivider shall furnish Council all plans, information and data necessary for such improvements. These plans shall be examined by Council and will be approved if in accordance with the requirements of Section 1222.12. Following this approval, construction can be started or the amount of a bond determined.
   If the final plat conforms to the approved preliminary plat and if the necessary improvements are constructed in accordance with the approved plans therefor or a satisfactory bond submitted assuring their construction in accordance with the approved plans, the final plat will be approved by the Commission and by Council.
(Ord. 28-53. Passed 10-6-53.)
   (b)   Anything contained in this section to the contrary notwithstanding, no final plat shall be approved by the Commission and Council unless and until a satisfactory bond has been submitted assuring satisfactory maintenance of the improvements shown thereon for a period of two years.
(Ord. 37-70. Passed 5-21-70.)