General Regulations
131.01 [Reserved]
131.02 Dropping objects from aircraft; exceptions
Graffiti Control Regulations
131.10 Purpose
131.11 Definitions
131.12 Violation
131.13 Removal of graffiti
131.14 Removal at owner's expense
131.15 Notice to remove graffiti
131.16 Form of notice to remove graffiti
131.17 Service of notice
131.18 Physical removal of graffiti
131.19 Recovery of city costs
131.20 Lien procedure
131.21 Recording of lien
131.22 Satisfaction of lien
131.23 Community service
131.24 Remedies cumulative
131.25 Suspension or delay of driving privileges
Private Property
131.30 Trespass on private property prohibited
(A) Dropping objects from aircraft. No person in any aircraft flying within or over the city shall cause or permit to be thrown, discharged, or dropped within the city any object or thing except when such action is absolutely essential to the safety of the occupants of the aircraft, or except when such action is by authority of the federal government or the state.
('63 Code, § 4-1.01)
(B) Exceptions. The provisions of this section shall not apply to public aircraft of the federal government, the state, or a political subdivision of the state.
('63 Code, § 4-1.02)
(Ord. 2866, passed 6-6-61) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) The purpose of this subchapter is to provide a program for removal of graffiti from walls and structures on both public and private property and to provide regulations designed to prevent and control the further spread of graffiti in the city. The increase of graffiti on both public and private buildings, structures and places is creating a condition of blight within the city which results in a deterioration of property and business values for adjacent and surrounding properties all to the detriment of the city. Allowing graffiti to remain increases the likelihood of additional graffiti being placed on the property. Graffiti constitutes not only unattractive blight but also increases the likelihood of criminal activity when left in place.
(B) The City Council finds and determines that graffiti is obnoxious and a public nuisance which must be abated so as to avoid the detrimental impact of such graffiti on the city and to prevent the further spread of graffiti.
(C) The City Council further finds that substantial amounts of graffiti are created by minors; that parents and guardians should be made responsible for the avoidance and removal of graffiti created by minors; and that penalties and requirements are needed to ensure that parents exercise appropriate control over and assume responsibility for the actions of minors under their control. While the property is a victim of the graffiti, where the responsible party fails to correct the defacing graffiti, it is always the duty of the property owner to remove graffiti as soon as reasonably possible.
(Ord. 639-C.S., passed 2-6-01)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
GRAFFITI. The unauthorized spraying of paint or marking or placing of ink, chalk, dye, wax, epoxy, gum, glue or other similar substances on public and private buildings, structures, places and vehicles.
GRAFFITI NUISANCE PROPERTY. Property upon which graffiti has not been abated after the date established pursuant to § 131.15
RESPONSIBLE ADULT. Any parent, guardian or other adult having responsibility, custody or control of an individual under the age of 18 years.
RESPONSIBLE PARTY. An owner, entity, or person acting as an agent for an owner by agreement, who has authority over the property or is responsible for the property's maintenance or management.
(Ord. 639-C.S., passed 2-6-01)