A.   In addition to the other methods for providing or posting of bail authorized in this chapter upon arrest for traffic violations, the defendant may deposit with the police officer a valid license to operate a motor vehicle in exchange for a receipt therefor issued by the police officer. The receipt issued by the police officer shall be recognized as an operator's license and shall authorize the operation of a motor vehicle until the time and date of the hearing indicated on the receipt or traffic citation, but not to exceed sixty (60) days. The operator's license and traffic citation shall be delivered by the police officer to the clerk of the municipal court.
   B.   Any person who applies for a duplicate license to operate a motor vehicle while his license is deposited in accordance with Subsection A of this section shall be fined One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and court costs. Each such application shall constitute a separate violation. In order for the fine to be applicable to a violator applying for a duplicate license, notice of the provisions of Subsection B of this section shall be included in receipt issued pursuant to this section. The receipt for deposit of the driver's license shall contain essentially the following notice:
"This receipt for deposit of a valid license to operate a motor vehicle constitutes a temporary operator's license until your hearing date on                    , but in no case shall this temporary license remain in effect more than sixty (60) days. Keep this receipt in your possession at all times while operating a motor vehicle."
"Application for a duplicate license to operate a motor vehicle while your license is deposited as bail is a crime punishable by a fine of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and court costs. Each such application constitutes a separate offense." (Ord. No. 82-7-1, 7/6/82)