(a)   No person shall take any beer or intoxicating liquor into or upon any Municipal property, park, public building, bath house, dance hall, school property or other place where the public is permitted to assemble in the City, except within the limits of a premises licensed by the State for the sale and consumption of beer.
(Ord. 246-1978. Passed 11-6-78.)
   (b)   The Director of Public Safety may issue permits to nonprofit organizations for periods not to exceed six days in length for the sale and/or consumption of beer and/or wine at the Shore Civic Centre, and for one period each year, not to exceed six days in length, he or she may issue permits for the sale and/or consumption of beer and/or wine within one confined area during the Euclid Home Days. The Director may issue permits to any Euclid nonprofit group or organization to provide beer and/or wine during the Euclid Home Days, to be chosen by lottery and further subject to whatever conditions he or she may determine. Issuance of the permits shall be conditioned upon the sponsoring organization agreeing to indemnify the City in full or for any and all claims which may arise during the activity. A reasonable permit fee not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) per diem may be charged. Section 503.11 shall not apply to the Euclid Home Days. The person or organization seeking a permit shall also be solely responsible for complying with all applicable State liquor laws.
(Ord. 241-1999. Passed 11-1-99. Eff. 12-1-99.)
   (c)   The consumption of beer, wine and liquor will be permitted on the Briardale Greens golf course in conjunction with Golf Course purposes only.
   (d)   The Director of Public safety may issue permits to persons or organizations renting the Henn Mansion for the consumption of beer and/or wine inside the premises of the Henn Mansion during the period of rental. Issuance of the permits shall be conditioned upon the sponsoring person(s) or organization(s) agreeing to indemnify the City in full or for any and all claims which may arise during or as a result of the activity. A reasonable permit fee not exceeding fifty dollars ($50) per diem may be charged. The person or organization seeking a permit shall also be solely responsible for complying with all applicable State liquor laws, and for providing security in the form of an off-duty Police Officer.
   (e)   The Director of Public safety may issue permits to persons or organizations renting The North Street Historical Museum for the consumption of beer and/or wine inside the premises of The North Street Historical Museum during the rental period. Issuance of the permits shall be conditioned upon the sponsoring person(s) or organization(s) agreeing to indemnify the City in full or for any and all claims which may arise during the activity. A reasonable permit fee not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) per diem may be charged. The person or organization seeking a permit shall also be solely responsible for complying with all applicable State liquor laws, and for providing security in the form of an off-duty Police Officer.
   (f)   The consumption of beer, wine and liquor shall be permitted in the Lakefront Community Center.
   (g)   The Director of Public Safety may issue permits to persons or organizations renting The Lakefront Community Center for the consumption of beer, wine, and liquor inside the premises of The Lakefront Community Center during the rental period. Issuance of the permits shall be conditioned upon the sponsoring person(s) or organizations(s) agreeing to indemnify the City in full for any and all claims which may arise during or as a result of the activity. A permit fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) per diem will be charged. The person or organization seeking a permit shall be solely responsible for complying with all applicable State liquor laws, and for providing security in the form of an off-duty Police Officer.
   (h)   Whoever violates division (a) hereof is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 599.02.
(Ord. 62-2000. Passed 3-20-00; Ord. 15-2002. Passed 1-22-02; Ord. 78-2002. Passed 4-15-02; Ord. 11-2005. Passed 1-18-05.)