Within one month after the regular general election to be held in the year 1990, and within thirty (30) days after the regular general election to be held each eighth year thereafter, the Mayor shall appoint five (5) members and the Council shall appoint four (4) members to a commission of nine (9) qualified electors of the City of Euclid to be known as a Charter Commission. Should a vacancy occur, the Mayor should appoint a replacement member if vacancy was from the Mayoral appointees. Council shall follow the same procedure in appointment of replacements. Vacancies should be filled within thirty (30) days of notice of resignation or vacancy. Should a vacant position remain unfilled or initial appointments not made within the timelines contained in this section, then the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the other appointing authority.
   Said Commissioners shall serve a term not to exceed two (2) years beginning on the date of appointment, or until two-thirds of the members of the Commission vote to adjourn sine die. Such Commission shall review and recommend to the Council of the City any alterations, revisions, and amendments to this Charter as in its judgment seem desirable. The Council shall submit to the electors any such proposed alterations, revisions, or amendments to the Charter, in a manner provided in Section 1 of this Article.
(Amended November 2, 1976; November 5, 1991; March 4, 2008.)