(a)   The City Planning and Zoning Commission shall take one of the following actions:
      (1)   Approve. If the City Planning and Zoning Commission determines that the proposed conditional use is appropriate and in conformance with the review criteria outlined in Section 1368.06 above, it shall approve the conditional use application as submitted.
      (2)   Approve with Conditions. Approve the conditional use application subject to specific conditions not included in the application as submitted. The City Planning and Zoning Commission may prescribe appropriate conditions, stipulations, safeguards and limitations on the duration of the use as it may deem necessary and in conformance with the intent and purposes of Section 1368.06.
      (3)   Deny. The City Planning and Zoning Commission shall deny the application if it concludes that the proposed conditional use will not be in compliance with the requirements of this Planning and Zoning Code. Such action shall be stated in writing and include specific findings, based upon the evidence submitted, justifying such a conclusion.
   (b)   If the City Planning and Zoning Commission fails to act within 60 days from the date the application was officially accepted by the Zoning Commissioner, or an extended period as may be agreed upon, then the applicant may deem the application denied.
(Ord. 174-2008. Passed 9-2-08.)