(a)   Procedures for Establishment. An Overlay District shall be established in accordance with the required procedures for a Zoning Map amendment pursuant to Section 1343.01. The boundaries of each Overlay District shall be clearly indicated on the zoning map of the City of Euclid.
   (b)   Criteria for Establishment. Any proposed overlay district under consideration shall be studied to determine:
      (1)   The purpose and intent of the overlay district under consideration;
      (2)   The existing character of the area;
      (3)   Development goals for the area;
      (4)   Boundaries of the overlay district under consideration;
      (5)   Development standards;
      (6)   Design standards, including landscaping, signage and parking.
   (c)   Amendments. Amendments to the Overlay District zoning text or zoning map boundaries of an established Overlay District shall follow the process per Chapter 1343.
(Ord. 245-2008. Passed 12-15-08.)