General Provisions
37.01 Definitions
37.02 Establishment of EDGE incentive
37.03 Description of EDGE incentive
37.04 EDGE incentive qualifications and certification
37.05 Records and reports
37.06 Termination of EDGE incentive
Small Business Facade and Exterior Improvement Grant
37.15 Definitions
37.16 Establishment of grant
37.17 Description of grant
37.18 Grant qualifications and certification
37.19 Reimbursement of expenses pursuant to the grant
Abandoned Property or Blighted Demolition Grant
37.30 Definitions
37.31 Establishment of grant
37.32 Grant qualifications and certification
37.33 Reimbursement of expenses pursuant to the grant
Commonwealth Area Professional District Capital Improvement (CAP) Incentive and Grant
37.40 Eligibility
37.41 Incentive details
37.42 Application requirements
Occupational license tax, see Ch. 110
Agreements, economic development projects, see TSO IX