   During the ten annual periods after the commencement date, while the employer remains qualified for the EDGE incentive, the employer shall:
   (A)   At the times and in the manner determined by the city, report to the city all information relevant to the continued qualification of the new or expanded eligible business activity of the employer for the EDGE incentive, including, without limitation, the names, addresses, rates of compensation and the total compensation of each employee of the employer for each period of the work, labor or services of that employee in eligible business activities in the city; and
   (B)   Allow the city to inspect all of the employment records of the employer at all reasonable times.
(Ord. 2350, passed 11-2-2010; Ord. 2456, passed 11-7-2017; Ord. 2535, passed 3-1-2022)
   Upon the occurrence of any of the following events, in any annual period of an employer who has qualified for an EDGE incentive, the EDGE incentive shall terminate and the employer shall pay to the city all of the occupational license fees withheld by the employer during that annual period; and, thereafter, the employer shall no longer be eligible or qualified for any EDGE incentive for the new or expanded eligible business activity by which the employer was qualified for it:
   (A)   The employer fails to comply with any of the requirements of § 37.05 or any other provision of this chapter;
   (B)   The employer reports to the city or actually pays to the city gross wages to all of the employees of that employer for work in the new or expanded eligible business activity in the city that is less than the amounts of gross wages required by the chapter to qualify for the EDGE incentive;
   (C)   The employer engages in any sexually oriented business activities, including, without limitation, those of sexually oriented businesses or sexual encounter establishments as elsewhere defined and regulated in other ordinances of the city; or
   (D)   The employer receives incentives from the Commonwealth that involve occupational license fees for which the city is contributing to those incentives. Those jobs not incentivized through a Commonwealth incentive package, such as Ohio or Indiana resident jobs, may be offered an additional EDGE incentive.
(Ord. 2350, passed 11-2-2010; Ord. 2456, passed 11-7-2017; Ord. 2535, passed 3-1-2022)
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AESTHETIC AND STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS. Facade improvements, structural improvements, White Boxing with significant exterior improvement if being actively marketed, roofs visible to the public, painting of the building, paving, installation of awnings, and new doors/windows are examples of approved improvements.
   ELIGIBLE BUSINESS. Any franchise, trade, occupation, profession or other business within the meaning and context of KRS 92.280, 92.281 and § 181 of the Kentucky Constitution that has less than $750,000 in annual payroll (defined as W-2 WAGES or K-1 WAGES) other than:
      (1)   Those business activities of sexually oriented businesses or sexual encounter establishments as elsewhere defined and regulated in other ordinances of the city; and
      (2)   Those business activities which receive incentives from the state that involve occupational license fees for which the city already is contributing to those incentives.
   GRANT. An amount of matching funds provided by the city not to exceed $10,000.
   WHITE BOXING. A lettable space with a minimally finished interior that may contain ceilings, lighting, plumbing, HVAC, interior walls, electrical outlets, and a concrete floor.
(Ord. 2480, passed 7-2-2019; Ord. 2505, passed 10-6-2020; Ord. 2519, passed 6-1-2021)
   In order to promote and induce new and existing eligible businesses to engage in new or expanded eligible business activities in the city that increase the property values of all businesses in the city, there is hereby established the Small Business Facade and Exterior Improvement Program for Legacy Businesses described in this subchapter for an eligible business that makes aesthetic and structural improvements to their buildings certified by the Economic Development Director, as qualified for the grant in conformity with the provisions of this subchapter.
(Ord. 2480, passed 7-2-2019; Ord. 2505, passed 10-6-2020; Ord. 2519, passed 6-1-2021)
   The Small Business Facade and Exterior Improvement Grant shall be awarded annually to all eligible businesses in an amount not to exceed $5,000 per eligible business. All grants are matching grants and would require the eligible business to make improvements to their building and all matching dollars would be used for aesthetic and structural improvements to the exterior of their building.
(Ord. 2480, passed 7-2-2019; Ord. 2505, passed 10-6-2020; Ord. 2519, passed 6-1-2021)
   (A)   No eligible business shall receive a grant established by this subchapter without a valid certification by the Economic Development Director that the proposed aesthetic and structural improvements are qualified for the grant.
   (B)   An eligible business may qualify for a grant established in this subchapter by submitting a written application for it to the city with all the information required by the city, which shall include, without limitation:
      (1)   Information about the organizational structure of the business and the owners thereof;
      (2)   The business history of the employer;
      (3)   An explanation of the improvements;
      (4)   Proof of ownership of the building or business;
      (5)   An explanation for how the improvements of the business meet any of the following factors:
         (a)   Directly increase future revenue/job creation in the city;
         (b)   Significantly decrease blight within the city;
         (c)   The business’s aesthetic and structural improvements will significantly increase the property tax value.
      (6)   A commencement date for the proposed improvements;
      (7)   The anticipated cost of the proposed improvements and the amount requested by the business.
      (8)   Requests for reimbursement shall be submitted within 90 days of the completion of work.
   (C)   An application for grant established in this subchapter shall be reviewed by the Mayor, City Administrative Officer, and the Economic Development Director of the city for completeness, accuracy and compliance with this subchapter; but the Economic Development Director shall certify that said grant will benefit the citizens of the city and improve the property values of the city.
   (D)   Prior applicants shall not receive additional funds from the prior applications and shall be paid out pursuant to the ordinance in effect at the time of application. New applications for new work may be submitted only once per fiscal year.
(Ord. 2480, passed 7-2-2019; Ord. 2505, passed 10-6-2020; Ord. 2519, passed 6-1-2021)