1503.01 Application of chapter.
1503.02 Grading of smoke. (Repealed)
1503.03 Dense smoke; emission a nuisance.
1503.04 Right of entry.
1503.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate and prevent emission of dense smoke - see Ohio R.C. 715.44
Investigation of fires - see Ohio R.C. 737.27, 3737.08
Right to examine buildings - see Ohio R.C. 737.34 et seq., 3737.14
Excessive smoke from vehicles - see TRAF. 337.20
Open burning - see GEN. OFF. 521.13
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to buildings used exclusively for private residence purposes, except hotels in which there are more than fifteen sleeping rooms, tenement houses in which there are more than five apartments, and houses or apartments in which more than five houses or apartments are heated from the same boiler or furnace. It shall apply to stacks connected with all other buildings, steam boilers, locomotives, furnaces and heating apparatus of any description within the City.
(R.O. 1946, C. 30, Sec. 1.)
The emission or escape of dense smoke within the City from any smoke stack, chimney or other part of any locomotive, stationary engine, steam roller, steam derrick, steam pile driver, steam shovel, tar kettle or other similar machine or contrivance or of any building or premises to which this chapter applies, except for a period of or periods aggregating ten minutes in any one hour during which the fire box is being cleaned out or a new fire being built therein, is deemed a nuisance.
(R.O. 1946, C. 30, Sec. 3.)
The Chief of the Fire Division or any of his assistants appointed for that purpose shall have the right in the performance of their duties to enter at all reasonable hours any and all premises within the City from which smoke is being emitted or has been emitted in violation of this chapter. No person shall prevent them from so doing.
(R. O. 1946, C. 30, Sec. 6.)